My guest on the Caroline Glick Show this week was Maj. Gen. Gershon Hacohen. Gen. Hacohen and I discussed the significance of the campaign that Israel fought against Islamic Jihad in Gaza last week. On the face of things, it seems like a small exchange. Islamic Jihad, which was founded by Iran in 1988, is the little guy in Gaza, second fiddle to Hamas. And yet it managed to lay siege to millions of Israelis who live within its range and shot 1,200 rockets, missiles and mortars against Israeli population centers in a week.
Gen. Hacohen and I discussed the transformation of the war against Israel from an Arab nationalist war into a jihad. In the framework of the jihad, the exchange was deeply significant to both sides. Hamas’s decision not to attack Israel Thursday on Jerusalem Day — which took place three days after our conversation — is further indication that Israel accomplished something important last week.
Join us for a fascinating discussion about war, jihad, faith and the role of trust in God in war planning, in understanding battlespace and planning for future exchanges.
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