Monthly Archives : March 2024

U.S. Gaslights Israel at the UN

The United States fails to veto a U.N. resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, then denies that anything has changed. At the same time, 2024 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a less than comforting warning to the Jewish state.

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The Triumph of the Blood Libel

According to Canada’s La Presse, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a vampire, and he is poised to suck the life out of the Palestinians in Rafah, Hamas’s final outpost in southern Gaza. The publication that was once a paper of record in Canada ran a political cartoon on March 20 portraying Netanyahu as a vampire, with a huge hooked nose, pointy ears…

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Biden, Schumer and the Plot to Overthrow Netanyahu

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an obstacle to peace and must be replaced. Is he alone among the U.S. government in his efforts to oust the premier? And is there cooperation from forces from within Israel to topple the elected government of Israel? I provide the answers on IN FOCUS.

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Israel’s strategic game of survival

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer’s obscene call for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ouster from power on the Senate floor on Thursday was the latest sign that Hamas’s strategy is working. On the “Caroline Glick Show” this week, U.S. Military Academy professor Col. John Spencer, who chairs West Point’s Urban Warfare Studies Program, explained that the terrorist organization’s goal for victory is…

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Why the world is wrong in comparing Gaza to any other conflict

I spoke with Prof. John Spencer, chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute at the U.S. Miliary Academy at West Point about what he calls wrongful comparisons between Israel’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip and other conflicts. Spencer first made headlines when he posited in several articles in the U.S. media that the civilian casualty…

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Biden’s mic drop and the crisis in US-Israel relations

The Biden administration went on a full-on assault on Israel after the State of the Union address on March 7, saying that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu needed a “coming to Jesus” moment. Then Biden went on to announce a port to be built to deliver lots of aid into the hands of Palestinians (meaning, Hamas) and continues to work to…

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