The Real Enemy of the People: The Media

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In this week’s Caroline Glick Show, I was reunited with my old co-host Gadi Taub.

Gadi and I discussed his new initiative to bring sanity to the Israeli media. From there, the discussion developed into a deeper discussion of the full-scale corruption of Israel’s media over the past year.

“Journalism in Israel – like journalism in the United States is dead,” Gadi declared while explaining how the media moved from biased to fused with the left in its political war against the government.

From there, we moved to a discussion of Gadi’s move from left to right, the left’s refusal to listen to or consider the arguments of right wing thinkers, and ultimately, to what the future holds in light of the current radicalization of Israel’s leftist elites and their turn against the country and its people.

Don’t miss this episode replete with jokes about my sense of humor.

To watch the show on Youtube, click below.

To listen to the podcast click below.

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