Israel’s Arab cheerleaders

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It is a strange situation when Egypt and Jordan feel it necessary to defend Israel against American criticism. But this is the situation in which we find ourselves today.

Last Friday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee that Arab support for Israel's bid to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is contingent on its agreeing to support the rapid establishment of a Palestinian state. In her words, "For Israel to get the kind of strong support it's looking for vis-a-vis Iran, it can't stay on the sidelines with respect to the Palestinians and the peace efforts." As far as Clinton is concerned, the two, "go hand-in-hand."

But just around the time that Clinton was making this statement, Jordan's King Abdullah II was telling The Washington Post that he is satisfied with the Netanyahu government's position on the Palestinians. In his words, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has "sent a message that he's committed to peace with the Arabs. All the words I heard were the right words."

As for Egypt, in spite of the Israeli media's hysterical reports that Egypt won't deal with the Netanyahu government and the Obama administration's warning that Israel can only expect Egypt to support its position that Iran must be denied nuclear weapons if it gives Jerusalem to the PLO, last week's visit by Egypt's intelligence chief Omar Suleiman clearly demonstrated that Egypt wishes to work with the government on a whole host of issues. Coming as it did on the heels of Egypt's revelation that Iranian-controlled Hizbullah agents were arrested for planning strategic attacks against it, Suleiman's visit was a clear sign that Egypt is as keen as Israel to neutralize Iranian power in the region by preventing it from acquiring nuclear weapons.

And Egypt and Jordan are not alone in supporting Israel's commitment to preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power. American and other Western sources who have visited the Persian Gulf in recent months report that leaders of the Gulf states from Bahrain – which Iran refers to as its 14th province – to Saudi Arabia to Kuwait and, of course, to Iraq – are praying for Israel to strike Iran's nuclear facilities and only complain that it has waited so long to attack them.

As one American who recently met with Persian Gulf leaders explained last week, "As far as the Gulf leaders are concerned, Israel cannot attack Iran fast enough. They understand what the stakes are."

UNFORTUNATELY, THE nature of those stakes has clearly eluded the Obama administration. As the Arabs line up behind Israel, the Obama administration is operating under the delusion that the Iranians will be convinced to give up their nuclear program if Israel destroys its communities in Judea and Samaria.

According to reports published last week in Yediot Aharonot and Haaretz, President Barack Obama's in-house post-Zionist, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel, told an American Jewish leader that for Israel to receive the administration's support for preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, it must not only say that it supports establishing a Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and Gaza, it must begin expelling its citizens from their homes and communities in Judea and Samaria to prove its good faith.

With just months separating Iran from either joining the nuclear club or from being barred entry to the clubhouse, the Obama administration's apparent obsession with Judea and Samaria tells us that unlike Israel and the Arab world, its Middle East policies are based on a willful denial of reality.

The cold hard facts are that the Middle East will be a very different place if Iran becomes a nuclear power. Today American policy-makers and other opponents of using military force to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons compare the current situation to what the region could look like in the aftermath of an Israeli campaign against Iran's nuclear installations. They warn that Hizbullah and Hamas may launch massive retaliatory missile attacks against Israel, Egypt, Jordan and other states, and that US military personnel and installations in the region will likely be similarly attacked by Iranian and Syrian proxies.

Indeed, proponents and opponents of an Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear installations alike warn that Iran's deployment of terror proxies from Beirut to Bolivia, from Managua to Marseilles, and from Gaza to Giza means that things could get very ugly worldwide in the aftermath of an Israeli attack.

But all of that ugliness, all of that instability and death will look like a walk in the park compared to how the region – and indeed how the world – will look if Iran becomes a nuclear power. This is something that the Arabs understand. And this is why they support and pray for an Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear installations.

IF IRAN acquires nuclear weapons, the Obama administration can throw its hopes for Middle East peace out the window. Today, even without nuclear weapons, Iran is the major force behind the continued Palestinian war against Israel. Iran exerts complete control over Hamas and Islamic Jihad and partial control over Fatah.

In and of itself, Iran's current control over Palestinian terror groups suffices to expose the Obama administration's plan to force Israel to destroy its communities in Judea and Samaria as misguided in the extreme. With Iran calling the shots for the Palestinians, it is clear that any land Israel vacates will fall under Iranian control. That is, every concession the US forces Israel to make will redound directly to Iran's benefit. This is why Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's claim that it will be impossible to resolve the conflict with the Palestinians without first neutralizing Iran rings so true.

If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, the situation will become even more destructive. A nuclear-armed Iran means that any chance of marginalizing these Iranian-controlled forces in Palestinian society will disappear. For Israel, the best case scenario in the age of a nuclear-armed mullocracy would involve continuous war with Iranian proxies – sort of expanded versions of the Second Lebanon War and Operation Cast Lead – in which it has little option for victory because the terror armies would fight under Iran's nuclear umbrella.

Regionally, a nuclear-armed Iran would in short order compel both Egypt and Jordan to abrogate their peace treaties with Israel. The exposure of the Iranian sabotage ring in Egypt last week makes clear that Iran seeks to either overthrow or dominate the Arab world with its nuclear arsenal. If Iran becomes a nuclear power, roundups of Iranian agents like the one in Egypt will be inconceivable. Iranian agents will be given free reign both regionally and worldwide.

For Israel, the abrogation of its peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan would raise the danger of regional war to an all-time high. Goaded by Iran, and operating with Iran's US- and Turkish-armed Lebanese proxy and Teheran's Syrian slave, Egypt and Jordan may well be made to decide that the time has come to invade Israel again.

These scenarios, of course, are likely because they compare favorably to the worst case scenarios in which a nuclear-armed Iran decides to simply detonate its nuclear bombs over Israel, either in the form of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack or in the form of a direct nuclear strike. An EMP attack would not immediately kill anyone, but would destroy the country's electricity grid and permanently paralyze its military and civilian infrastructures, rendering the population defenseless not merely from its neighbors, but from disease and starvation. If successful, a direct nuclear strike would likely kill between 50,000 and several million Israelis, depending on how many warheads reached their targets.

a nuclear-armed Iran would be well positioned to take over the world's oil markets. With Saudi Arabia's main oil installations located in the predominantly Shi'ite eastern provinces, it would be able to credibly threaten to destroy Saudi oil installations and so assert control over them. With Iran's strategic alliance with Venezuela, once it controls Saudi oil fields, it hard to see how it would not become the undisputed ruler of the oil economy.

Certainly Europe would put up no resistance. Today, with much of Europe already within range of Iran's ballistic missiles, with Iranian-controlled terror cells fanned out throughout the continent and with Europe dependent on Persian Gulf oil, there is little doubt of the direction its foreign policy would take in the event that Iran becomes a nuclear power. Obviously any thought of economic sanctions would disappear as European energy giants lined up to develop Iranian gas fields, and European banks clamored to finance the projects.

Finally, there is America. With Israel either barely surviving or destroyed, with the Arab world and Europe bowing before the mullahs, with much of Central and South America fully integrated into the Iranian axis, America would arguably find itself at greater risk of economic destruction and catastrophic attack than at any time in its history since the War of 1812. An EMP attack that could potentially send the US back to the pre-industrial age would become a real possibility. An Iranian controlled oil economy, financed by euros, would threaten to displace the dollar and the US economy as the backbone of the global economy. The US's military options – particularly given Obama's stated intention to all but end US missile defense programs and scrap much of its already aging nuclear arsenal – would be more apparent than real.

Yet what Clinton's statements before Congress, Emmanuel's statements to that American Jewish leader and Obama's unremitting pandering to Teheran and its Syrian and Turkish allies all make clear is that none of these reasonable scenarios has made a dent in the administration's thinking. As far as the Obama White House is concerned, Iran will be talked out of its plans for regional and global domination the minute that Israel agrees to give its land to the Palestinians. The fact that no evidence exists that could possibly support this assertion is irrelevant.

On Sunday, Washington Post columnist Jim Hoagland claimed that Obama will not publish his administration's policy on Iran until after he meets with Netanyahu at the White House on May 18. It will be during that meeting, Hoagland wrote, that Obama will seek to convince Netanyahu that there is no reason to attack Iran.

The fact that Obama could even raise such an argument, when by Israel's calculations Iran will either become a nuclear power or be denied nuclear weapons within the next 180 days, shows that his arguments are based on a denial of the danger a nuclear Iran poses to Israel and to global security as a whole.

It is true that you can't help but get a funny feeling when you see the Arabs defending Israel from American criticism. But with the Obama administration's Middle East policy firmly grounded in La La Land, what choice do they have? They understand that today all that stands between them and enslavement to the mullahs is the Israel Air Force and Binyamin Netanyahu's courage.

Originally published in The Jerusalem Post.

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  • Joe Strapp 04/27/2009 at 22:37

    Welcome back and smashing article!

  • Marc Handelsman, USA 04/27/2009 at 23:45

    Israel is the only Middle Eastern nation that can effectively launch an air raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities. When Iran is attacked, it will attempt to retaliate against Israeli and Arab targets worldwide. The biggest losers will be the Iranian people, because they foolishly allowed their president and mullahs to bring destruction on themselves. As for Israel, it will survive the next regional war, albeit with heavy civilian casualties. The US will continue to decline in influence, and will take a huge economic hit when Israel attacks Iran.

  • Chanoch Ne'eman 04/28/2009 at 0:16

    Pres. Obama won’t agree to cooperate. The only way to get American cooperation is to start taking action, however limited, without them, and then they (may) be moved to assist.

  • Ron Grandinetti, USA 04/28/2009 at 1:56

    Welcome back Caroline.
    Missed you dearly.
    Don’t stay away so long.
    Will comment when I can gather my thoughts.
    Again, Welcome Home.

  • Marcel Cousineau 04/28/2009 at 1:58

    And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
    When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.”
    Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.
    When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.
    And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”
    When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.”
    So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.
    Revelation 6
    The rider on the white horse has conquered Afghanistan and Iraq.
    The red horse is out of the barn and Amadinejad has been swinging, flailing his Islamic sword wildly. Obama can’t stop what’s coming. In the end Israel will remain but Islam will not..The hoply one of Israel will have the last word as His agenda will prevail not Washington’s.There will be no Palestinian state ever !
    Fear God and you will have nothing else to fear for it is he who sets these JUDGMENTS in motion.

  • Ron Grandinetti, USA 04/28/2009 at 3:51

    Caroline, you certainly are the bearer of truth.
    Israel will no doubt have to be the freedom fighter for all of us.
    The liberal left in charge of the US government doesn’t have the stomach or guts to take out the Iranian nukes. They just don’t get it.
    Unfortunately the US government is a three ring circus and the clowns are as usual clowning around.
    If I were PM Netanyahu, I would call off the meeting with Obama.
    If Obama wants a meeting, let him come to Israel and don’t bring that sissy Rahm Emmanuel and or Hillary, I am sure they will not be met with the welcome wagon.
    Israel will take out the devil and don’t even suggest giving any land to the Palestinians or any other group.
    There will be no dividing up of Israeli territory that is from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean, including the Golan Heights, Gaza and Sinai.
    You are right as usual Caroline, it’s scary when the likes of Egypt, Jordan and company are on your side.

  • Ted Moran 04/28/2009 at 4:48

    I think if it was me faced with the survival of Israel, my plan would be to pit the Edomites (Arabs) against the Persians (Iran.) If I was the PM I would state that a nuclear attack on Israel by Iran is an attack on Israel by Islam, and Israel’s response will be to completely obliterate Mecca and Medina. Now Arab countries are going to need to deal with Iran on their own, and leave Israel alone for a time. However, at the same time I would reach out to the Arabs and make sure they understand that what ever differences Jews and Arabs have, they are still both sons of Abraham, whereas the Persians are nothing more than guests in one house (the house of Ishmael) who are causing problems in Abraham’s family. You could consider this a Middle Eastern version of MAD. Mutual Assured Destruction.
    I would also tell Obama that Israel will not make any treaties with a President who still has doubts as to his eligibility to qualify under the US Constitution as a Article II, Natural Born Citizen, that until the Supreme Court decides if a man whose father never was or intended to be an American is a Natural Born Citizen. I would do this because nothing I would do short of ordering every Israeli man, woman and child to commit suicide would satisfy Iran. I would raise the eligibility issue in order to make the Obama administration deal with this domestic problem. It would become a major issue for him in the US. This is the one issue he and the democrats are terrified of.
    Finally, I would call the Israeli people back to an obedience of G-D’s laws, and I would do this by a televised reading of Deuteronomy, and asking HaShem to forgive the peoples transgressions of not putting their trust in HIM. I would do this because we are in the end of days, and the Almighty will have the last word. My goal as PM would be to save as many Jewish lives as possible and I would do that by having the people repent and turn to HaShem for their salvation.
    This is just my opinion, and even if I was Jewish with an opinion like that, even if I was you can see I never would be elected PM.

  • lawrence kohn 04/28/2009 at 5:32

    Russia while modernizing its nuclear arsenal is waiting in the weeks for its Iranian client to present the Middle East on a platter along with South America via Venezuela, and Iran.

  • May 04/28/2009 at 5:52

    I usually support the notion that Arabism is racism ( ), but in this case… it’s amazing that Obama’s war on anti-Islamofascism is more radical than Arab moderates’ anti-Israel agenda, imagine that.

  • Ron Kilmartin 04/28/2009 at 6:10

    There can be no doubt that regardless of who runs Iran, Israel will still be the “Little Satan”, and the object of their nuclear affection. Beni should reject any meeting with Obama, who is primarily interested in getting foreign problems off of his desk so that he can concentrate, following the 1917 Lenin model, on the socialization of America.
    The children in the White House believe peace will come via talk-talk and giving away land (your land) – a precise replay of Munich 1938, but with different characters. Unfortunately the White House children do not know much about real history, only the pabulum fed to them by extreme-left wing professors in the last decades. Pity America for this treachery in its universities, and be prepared o act on your own.

  • Ron Kilmartin 04/28/2009 at 8:17

    Here is another reason that Israel needs to look to its own interests. Obama’s top unofficial foreign policy advisors have a bonafied anti-Israel viewpoint:
    Not just Lee Hamilton, but a dozen or so others too.

  • Eliyahu 04/28/2009 at 11:23

    we knew before the election that an Obama administration would be bad. Anybody who consults with Zbig Brzezinski has to be dangerous. Unfortunately, the nightmare has come true. What do we do now?

  • Marcel Cousineau 04/28/2009 at 12:26

    Nobody has mentioned the ovbious yet.
    It’s time to remove the blinders.
    Russia & China will not sit this one out as Iran is their ally.
    Lets not forget North Korea is chomping at the bit for war with their enemy as is Hugo and a number of other’s who will make their move on the ‘great satan’ at this opportune time.
    The islamic world will not take kindly to another attack on a moslem country by an ‘infidel’ country.
    Moslems don’t think rationally as you assume. Once the dust settles Israel will be blamed and vilified by all the nations because Pandoras box will have been opened never to be closed again.
    Those in Israel who survive will finally understand their foolish sin of running to Washington for anything as God will have finally gotten their full and undivided attention.
    It is He who rules in the affairs of men and it it He who has allowed the Persians to once again rise up. Judgment day upon a wicked and perverted earth is here
    Israel is in for a divine cleansing as are all of us.
    America will be no more.

  • Ted Moran 04/28/2009 at 14:53

    I think if it was me faced with the survival of Israel, my plan would be to pit the Edomites (Arabs) against the Persians (Iran.) If I was the PM I would state that a nuclear attack on Israel by Iran is an attack on Israel by Islam, and Israel’s response will be to completely obliterate Mecca and Medina. Now Arab countries are going to need to deal with Iran on their own, and leave Israel alone for a time. However, at the same time I would reach out to the Arabs and make sure they understand that what ever differences Jews and Arabs have, they are still both sons of Abraham, whereas the Persians are nothing more than guests in one house (the house of Ishmael) who are causing problems in Abraham’s family. You could consider this a Middle Eastern version of MAD. Mutual Assured Destruction.
    I would also tell Obama that Israel will not make any treaties with a President who still has doubts as to his eligibility to qualify under the US Constitution as a Article II, Natural Born Citizen, that until the Supreme Court decides if a man whose father never was or intended to be an American is a Natural Born Citizen. I would do this because nothing I would do short of ordering every Israeli man, woman and child to commit suicide would satisfy Iran. I would raise the eligibility issue in order to make the Obama administration deal with this domestic problem. It would become a major issue for him in the US. This is the one issue he and the democrats are terrified of.
    Finally, I would call the Israeli people back to an obedience of G-D’s laws, and I would do this by a televised reading of Deuteronomy, and asking HaShem to forgive the peoples transgressions of not putting their trust in HIM. I would do this because we are in the end of days, and the Almighty will have the last word. My goal as PM would be to save as many Jewish lives as possible and I would do that by having the people repent and turn to HaShem for their salvation.
    This is just my opinion, and even if I was Jewish with an opinion like that, even if I was you can see I never would be elected PM.

  • Andrew 04/28/2009 at 17:09

    There was a time before WWII when the West could have stood up to Hitler and crushed him. The West did not have the will, the courage or the foresight to do it. We know what happened. History repeats itself and now is the time for the West and Israel to stand up to Iran before it acquires these weapons. I think we can forget about the West doing anything militarily with Obama as President. Israel has the most to gain and the most to lose. What is it waiting for?

  • Tomer Elias 04/29/2009 at 1:32

    What your are saying is probably also the reason the Israely government has delayed an attack for so long. you always talk about the big influence Iran has on everything thats going on around us so once we go for an attack we can expect chaos to be let loose on Israel from all sides. The biggest issue we will have is how to prevent the chaos and from reading your articles often you can understand whats needed to be done in order to prevent this chaos. Once Israel decides to go on with the attack on Iran at the same time 3 other things have to happen.
    Israel has to take control over Gaza to prevent the Hamas from sending missiles to our southern cities and at the same time Israel will need to try and prevent the Hizbulla and the only way to achieve that will probably be by conquering southern Lebanon. And then there is Syria which will probably not directly attack Israel after an attack on Iran but we know will be active in supporting actions against us so against them we need to give a big warning shot something that will shake them in a way they will know that unless they want to suffer a lot they should not help any actions against Israel and compared to Hamas and Hizbulla Syria does have what to lose.
    I don’t believe that there are other choices unless we wish to act like we did past 3 years and only retaliate and end up defeated or badly hurt but i think that these are probably the issues our government is taking into consideration when thinking about the attack on Iran.
    How do you execute a plan that prevents us from ending up in total chaos when we know that it will be hard to get any support from the world?

  • Dan 04/29/2009 at 9:32

    CAN the IAF seriously degrade Tehran’s Manhattan project without availing itself of tactical nukes?
    I’ve seen several reports that say the Iranians have so hardened their targets, at least the important targets, that absent repeated nuclear salvos, any attack by air is effectively worthless.
    Israel should NEVER have been left in this position!

  • Dan 04/29/2009 at 9:46

    There’s another possibility too.
    I think there is a REAL and SIGNIFICANT chance that Obama might order the USAAF to intervene in any attempt by the IAF to get at Iran.
    Obama would see that as a chance to demonstrate his “peaceful” bona fides to islam, and to the wider world.
    Obama has a strong fascination for gesture politics, and by ordering the USAAF to intervene, that would be a gesture on a grand scale.
    He’d order an intervention, them immediately “refer the matter to the UNSC,” which could be counted on to condemn Israel’s actions.
    This guy Obama, the people around him, —————– I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them.


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