Israel the strong horse

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What does Jordan’s King Abdullah want from Israel? This week Abdullah gave a long and much cited interview to the Wall Street Journal. There he appeared to be begging US President Barack Obama to turn up the heat still further on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. As he has on a number of occasions, Abdullah argued that the Palestinian conflict with Israel is the cause or the justification of all the violence and emerging threats in the region. By his telling, all of these threats, including Iran’s nuclear threat, will all but disappear if Israel accepts all of the Palestinian, (and Syrian), demands for land.

Abdullah’s criticism of Netanyahu dominated the news in Israel for much of the week. Commentators and reporters piled on, attacking Netanyahu for destroying whatever remains of Israel’s good name. In their rush to attack the premier, none of them stopped to consider that perhaps they were missing something fundamental about Abdullah’s interview.

But they were missing something. For there is another way to interpret Abdullah’s complaints. To understand it however, it is necessary to consider the strategic constraints under which Abdullah operates. And the Israeli media, like the Western media as a whole, are incapable of recognizing that Abdullah has constraints that make it impossible for him to say what he means directly.

Abdullah is a Hashemite who leads a predominantly Palestinian country. His country was carved out by the British as a consolation prize for his great-grandfather after the Hashemites lost Syria to the French. As a demographic minority and ethnic transplant, the Hashemites have never been in a position to defend themselves or their kingdom against either their domestic or foreign foes. Consequently they have always been dependent out outside powers – first Britain, and then Israel, and to a lesser degree the US – for their survival.

When Abdullah’s strategic predicament is borne in mind, his statements to the Journal begin to sound less like a diatribe against Israel and more like a plea to Israel to be strong. For instance, his statement, “In a way, I think North Korea has better international relations than Israel,” can be interpreted as a lament.

Abdullah fears war and he recognizes that the Iranian axis – which includes Syria, Lebanon, and elements of the Palestinian Authority and elements of Iraq – is the biggest threat to his regime. Syria, which dispatched the al Qaida bombers that blew up the hotels in Amman in 2005, threatens Jordan today almost as menacingly as it did in 1970, when it supported the PLO in its bid to overthrow Abdullah’s father. Back then, Israel stepped in and saved the Hashemites.

Abdullah’s preoccupation with Iran was clear throughout the interview. Indeed, much of his criticism of Israel needs to be viewed through the prism of his obvious fear that Iran’s race to regional dominance will not be thwarted.

The reason that Israel’s media – like the American and European media – failed to consider what was motivating Abdullah to speak as he did is because both Israelis and Westerners suffer from an acute narcissism that prevents them from noticing anything but themselves. So rather than view events from Abdullah’s perspective and consider what might be motivating him to speak, they interpret his statements to serve their own ideological purposes. In the case of the leftist dominated media, Abdullah’s statements were pounced upon as further proof that Israel, and particularly Netanyahu, are to blame for all the pathologies of the Arabs and all the threats in the Middle East. If Israel could only be coerced into giving up land, everything would be fine.

Much of what the West misses about the Arab world is spelled out for us in a new and masterful book. The Strong Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations by Lee Smith, is a unique and vital addition to the current debate on the Middle East because rather than interpret the Arabs through the ideological lenses of the West, Smith describes them, their cultural and political motivations as the Arabs — in all their ethnic, religious, ideological, national and tribal variations — themselves perceive these things.

Smith, a native New Yorker, was the literary editor of The Village Voice when Arab hijackers brought down the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Propelled by the attacks, he headed to the Middle East to try to understand what had just hit his city. Smith moved to Cairo where he studied Arabic and drank in the cultural and political forces surrounding him. After a year, he moved to Beirut where he remained for another three years.

The Strong Horse speaks to two Western audiences, the Left, or the self-proclaimed “realists,” who ascribe to the belief that the Arabs have no particular interests but are rather all motivated to act by external forces and specifically by the US and Israel; and the neo-conservatives who believe that at heart, the Arabs all yearn for Western-style liberal democracy.

Smith rejects both these notions out of hand. Instead, by recounting the stories of men and women he met during his sojourn in the region, and weaving them into the tales of Arab cultural, religious and political leaders that have risen and fallen since the dawn of Islam 1,400 years ago Smith presents a few basic understandings of the Arab world that place the actions of everyone from Osama bin Laden to Jordan’s King Abdullah in regional and local contexts. The localization of these understandings in turn opens up a whole new set of options for Westerners and particularly for Israelis in seeking ways to contend with the region’s pathologies that involve policies less sweeping than grand, yet futile designs of peace making, or fundamental restructuring of the social compacts of Arab societies.

Smith develops six central insights in his book.

Arab political history is a history of the powerful ruling the weak through violence.

Islamic terror and governmental tyranny are the two sides of the coin of Arab political pathology.

Liberal democratic principles are unattractive to the vast majority of Arabs who believe that politics is and by rights ought to remain a violent enterprise and prefer the narrative of resistance to the narrative of liberty.

Liberal Arab reformers are unwilling to fight for their principles.

The 1,400 year period of Sunni dominance over non-Sunni minorities is now threatened seriously for the first time by the Iranian-controlled Shiite alliance which includes Syria, Lebanon, and Hamas.

And finally, that it is intra-Arab rivalries and the desire to rule and be recognized as the strong horse that motivates jihadists to wage continuous wars against Israel and the West and against regimes in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia alike.

As Smith explains, today, Arab leaders view Israel as a possible strong horse that could defeat the rising Shiite axis that threatens them. And now, as the US under Obama abdicates its leadership role in world affairs by turning on its allies and attempting to appease its foes while scaling back America’s own military strength, Israel is the Sunnis’ only hope for beating back the Shiite alliance. If Israel does not prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, then the likes of Kings Abdullah of Jordan and Saudi Arabia and Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak are going to be forced to accept Iran as the regional hegemon.

When seen against the backdrop of Smith’s analysis, it is clear that as his father did when he supported Saddam Hussein against Saudi Arabia in the lead-up to the 1991 Gulf War, Abdullah was hedging his bets in his interview with the Journal. If Israel fails to act, he wants to be on record expressing his animosity towards the Jewish state and blaming it for all the region’s problems. On the other hand, he used the interview as an opportunity to again send a message to anyone willing to listen that he wants Israel to assert itself and continue to protect his kingdom.

The recognition that a strong Israel is the most stabilizing force in the region is perhaps the main casualty of the Left’s land for peace narrative and the two-state solution paradigm which wrongly promote the weakness of Israel as the foremost potential contributor to stability in the region. Because Israel is everyone’s convenient bogeyman, it cannot form permanent alliances with any of its neighbors and as a consequence, it cannot gang up against another state. Because it will always be the first target of the most radical actors in the region, Israel has a permanent interest in defeating them or, at a minimum denying those actors the means to cause catastrophic harm. Finally, although no one will admit it, everyone knows that Israel has neither the ability nor desire to acquire and rule over Arab lands and therefore there is no reason for anyone to fear its strength. For the past 62 years, Israel has only used force to protect itself when it was convinced it had no other option and it holds only territories designated for the Jewish homeland by the League of Nations 90 years ago and lands vital for its self-defense.

Smith was living in Beirut when Hizbullah launched its war against Israel in July 2006. As he tells the story, “When the government of Ehud Olmert decided to make war against Hizbullah in the summer of 2006, all of Washington’s Arab allies…were overjoyed. With the Americans having taken down a Sunni security pillar – Saddam – and then getting tied down in Iraq, Riyadh, Cairo and the rest sensed the Iranians were gaining ground and that they were vulnerable. Even though they were incapable of doing anything about it themselves, the Sunni powers…wanted to see the [Iranian] bloc rolled back.”

Unfortunately for them, Olmert and his government were incompetent to lead Israel in war and within weeks showed that they had no idea how to accomplish their stated aim of crushing Hizbullah. When this reality sunk in, and the Arab masses rallied behind Iran, Hizbullah and Syria against their own governments, “the Sunni regimes could abide no longer and demanded the United States move to a ceasefire immediately.”

No doubt, in part as a consequence of their disappointment with Israel’s military performance in Lebanon and subsequently in Gaza, today leaders like Abdullah of Jordan are pessimistic about the future. But there is also no doubt who they are rooting for. And this has profound significance for Israel, not only as it prepares its plans to contend with Iran but also as it considers it national priorities.

For too long, Israel’s leaders have believed that to thrive regionally, it needs to convince the West to support it politically. But the fact is that Israel is in Asia, not in Europe or North America. To survive and thrive, Israel needs to rebuild the faith of the likes of Jordan’s Abdullah that it is the strong horse in the region. And once it does that, with or without formal peace treaties, and with or without democracies flourishing region-wide, Israel will facilitate regional peace and stability for the benefit of all.  

Originally published in The Jerusalem Post.

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  • DANSHANTEAL 04/09/2010 at 12:01


  • Marc Handelsman, USA 04/09/2010 at 12:58

    It is “Radical Islam” that motivates jihadists to wage continuous wars against Israel, the West, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Nonetheless, Islam unites Persians and Arabs against Israel and the West. Hypothetically, if the Arab-Israeli conflict was resolved, Radical Islam would continue to spread. Some Arab leaders are understandably frightened by the likelihood of Iran becoming an “irresponsible” nuclear power. Israel cannot permit Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, even if it means offending America. Finally, Israel is the strong horse because it lives in a tough neighborhood, and must fight.

  • wowa cwejman 04/09/2010 at 13:05

    Thank you for an excellent article…as usual!
    with Warm regards from Sweden

  • Fred 04/09/2010 at 14:10

    To survive and thrive, Israel needs to rebuild the faith of the likes of Jordan’s Abdullah that it is the strong horse in the region.

    This objective is difficult but possible if Hussein Obama is just a one term president. A new president will presumably restore traditional relations with Israel and Carter will be able to die happy in the knowledge that he wasn’t the absolute worst president in American history.

    However, if as in 2008, American Jews blindly obey the Judenrat’s in the leftist media and intelligencia by falling into formation to help reelect Hussein Obama, all bets are off and Israel will need a new benefactor nation.

    In the nineteenth century, there was no better place for a Jew to be than in Germany. For the avant-garde, it didn’t get much better than Berlin and Vienna. Anti-Semitism existed but it was of the fashionable Wagnerian sort. As history has shown, only a short span of time separated the fashionably Wagnerian anti-Semites from Hitler.

    Hitler the half-Jewish artist arose from neither conservative Christian circles or conservative Jewish circles. Hitler the artist arose from within much the same leftist, socialist, avante-garde, vegetarian, post-Christian proto-New Age class the modern left and secular leftist American Jews idealize.

  • David Custis Kimball 04/09/2010 at 14:22

    From my website from your post on 4/7:
    This still bothers me; so little significance is attributed to the Syrian Nuke Plants. Oh, yeah, and the yellow cake that they were going to process… but didn’t have …. from Iraq, right. You do believe Amb. Wilson, you know: Valerie Plame’s (CIA agent sitting at desk job … for evah) hubby who really only knows what ‘white cake’ is and with chocolate frosting. He went a courtin’ (uh huh) to Niger …. ‘no yellow cake’ and no black folk. ‘Dey doon know what dat yellow cake is no how.’ Ambassador Wilson toad us.
    Well, we all know that Bush, like his father, owes a lot to the oil in Saudi and sipped a lot of ‘Texas Tea’ himself. And old grandaddy Prescott Bush, that senator of old, sure liked them Nazi’s and helped them finance steel, and other stuff… but ‘that’s all forgotten, look away, dixie land,’ right?
    It’s them Hymies, I tell ya… (how did Jesse Jackson’s opinion get in here?)
    Well, thank ‘godness’ Israel is on to us by now. With our debt approaching 90 percent of GNP… we might not be able to help, even if we wanted… which we don’t… see Caroline has a little news ‘Turkey’s announcement this week that it supports Iran’s nuclear ambitions should be recognized for what it was: An announcement that the NATO member state has joined the Iranian axis with Syria, Lebanon, Hamas and Hizbullah’.
    And more, read it so you will soon understand what just happened. Sorry, it doesn’t look too easy, but thank ‘godness’ we have a true friend, who intends to survive. I only hope that that is our wish. But it seems unclear with Obama… every further idiocy he supports by saying ‘Bush started it.’ Didn’t we all vote against Bush? Wass up, or WTF?
    Todays comment based on that former blog:
    No one wants to give the strong horse to Israel for bashing the Nuke Plants in Syria…thanks for the connnection…. And in reality, nobody ever ‘gives’ anyone the ‘strong horse’; you capture it, claim it, subdue it and ride it. Ride on. And the decent people of the world have your back; and frankly, you really don’t want the ‘Left overs’.

  • Anonymous 04/09/2010 at 14:53

    I think President Obama thinks that a Palestinian state is the key to regional peace and therefore nothing will stop him from forcing it down Israel’s throat as he did the healthcare bill. The US is refusing to give Israel bunker busting bombs. The US just came out with a policy against any “user” of nuclear weapons and against any first strike using nuclear weapons, plus against “proliferators”. President Obama is getting Israel’s back against the wall because he really does not care whether Israel survives or not. In Obama’s mind, “Obama knows all” except that he doesn’t. I also see President Obama as setting up Israel as a scapegoat to explain what will be his latest failure, Iran getting the bomb.
    The only way out I see is for Israel to perfect an anti-missile technology, that and prayer.

  • Paul 04/09/2010 at 15:19

    Israel should not be so beholden to the USA. Perhaps India could offer more political and strategic assistance, particularly in the conflict with Iran.

  • tenring 04/09/2010 at 17:37

    The American media, actually the world media, don’t like Israel, or traditional Americans who support Israel. They have been instrumental in attempting to isolate her and destroy her reputation, resources and capabilities over the years with only marginal success. Israel it seems isn’t blind deaf and dumb and of course, she is well armed. Big flash in the sky armed, and they aren’t, yet. So the encirclement continues, and the malice towards her continues to be nurtured, and anyone with half a brain can see the intended future actions.
    Israel doesn’t have a friend in the U.S. government now. The current occupant of the Whitehouse seems completely bent upon the deconstruction, if not the destruction of the U.S. and, he has many willing friends to help him do it. Israel was right to think of it’s own needs, and to prepare to stand alone of necessary. It looks like it will be necessary. At least until Obama is forced from office, or Israel elects a Marxist which Obama would find acceptable. That gives our mutual friends a short window, in which to act. With those as the pertinent facts, I would suggest Israel heat em’ up and stand by, if the steam isn’t already rising as it almost certainly has to be.

  • David Francis 04/09/2010 at 18:01

    Israel is the good name, next to HaShem. Surely as Israel struggles with G-d, so the world struggles with Israel. I think your estimation is right on. While on deployment to Iraq, Shiite Arabs told me many things privately they would never say publicly. They told me of how there is already a “four state solution” as Jordan, Lebennon and Syria were all included in the Balfour Declaration. They explained how the Palestinian refugee problem is fabricated by the failures of Arab leadership. Right now they hope to see Israel triumph over nuclear Iran but publicly they have said none of these things. They don’t want to be on the wrong side of the seat when the music stops.

  • TMay 04/09/2010 at 18:17

    When I wrote the comment at 2:53pm April 9 about President Obama thinking Palestine was the key to world peace I thought I was signed in, but it was posted as Anonymous so apparently I was not signed in. So I am attempting to correct the omission.

  • Terry, Eilat - Israel 04/10/2010 at 5:57

    The implication of your analysis is that Israel must defeat Iran & the only way to accomplish this is obviously a military strike & the likely regional war this would entail (Hezbollah, Hamas, possibly Syria).
    I agree.
    Israel should attack Iran ASAP, ignore Obama, & at the same time, reject the two-state solution once & for all.
    But, I will ask my usual question, is Netanyahu just another of our crap politicians or is he a real leader?

  • John B 04/10/2010 at 6:43

    Human nature respects the strong horse, indeed. In the West we claim to aspire to a more merciful and humane set of priorities, but basically, the winner is respected. The lefties who would dispute this are living in a dream world created by their own ideological delusions that mankind has got to be good. Where else did it come from?!
    As you point out the respect for power is even more significant outside the West. And what is more, power is better understood – that it is not always in the loud noise or shock and awe, but that it runs very quiet, devious and deep. But our rulers know this.
    Thinking of which, I notice that Netanyahu has cancelled going to the ‘peace’ conference in Washington but a “sizeable contingent” is going from Israel.
    This looks to me very much like the leftist Israeli establishment begining to work around the Prime Minister and deal direct. Something similar was done to George W in his last few years in office if I remember. Perhaps US State are looking for a re run of that scenario to get Bibi out of office.
    All I can say is watch out for flying shoes. They seem to be the death blow.

  • Hondo Lane 04/10/2010 at 8:50

    Here’s my conundrum: Candidate Obama was absolutely clear in his desire to impress Western Europe and the Arab states during his campaign. Information given me shows 70%+ of Jewish-Americans voted for him. If that is the case, why all the buyer’s remorse?
    Obama’s votes in the Senate and campaign stump speeches gave clear and precise signals. Unfortunately, we got what we bought.

  • GaryAndrews 04/10/2010 at 9:19

    Israel should be free of the US. It should return all the aid money and refuse to accept any more. Only then will it be it’s own country.

  • Tim Buck II 04/10/2010 at 9:26

    The “two state solution” is utter nonsense: Its already been tried and it promptly failed miserably. The first two state solution was called India and Pakistan and is a continuing disaster. Ask the residents of Bombay if you don’t believe me. The “two state solution” simply creates a new terrorist state. There is no one (outside of govennment and the media) that doubts this.
    It’s equally obvious that the United States is no longer the “strong horse” given the advent of Obama. With near certainty, Obama’s most significant foreign policy achievemnet will take the form of an Iranian nuclear weapon that is developed with Obama’s de facto permission.

  • Chris Queen 04/10/2010 at 9:43

    Yes, George Dubya was not to bright destabilizing the region as he did, not to mention the fact it was Naziesque. This Reagan Republican has less respect for the former, rather than the current president, though it appears between the two we shall witness WWIII.

  • commentator 04/10/2010 at 10:18

    I think we do ourselves a tremendous disservice by trying to read the entrails of Arab statements and diving them for hidden meanings.
    Abdullah to me anyway is simply hedging his bets, but I can’t dismiss his intense criticism of Israel as some sort of coded message.
    In any confrontation with Israel, most Muslims worldwide will be against the Jewish state.
    This be because of religious differences, because not all Muslims are Arabs and therefore religion is the commong factor.
    What Obama is doing to Israel is shameful. Even more shameful is that American Jews continue to support this Jew hating socialist.
    Until American Jews reject Obama, NOTHING will change.

  • Walter 04/10/2010 at 10:45

    Marc Handelsman said,
    “It is “Radical Islam” that motivates jihadists to wage continuous wars against Israel, the West, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.”
    “…Israel is the strong horse because it lives in a tough neighborhood, and must fight.”
    IMO, the Israel of recent years is *perceived* by its hostile neighbours as ‘confused’, not focused, and therefore not so strong, at all.
    On a battlefield, an individual can posses a powerful weapon, say a powerful rifle, for his defence, for deterring an attack by an enemy.
    But, if that person, through carelessness, shoots himself in the foot [provably!], how will possession of a powerful weapon aid his defence?
    It cannot.
    Unless he knows how to bring that powerful weapon to bear, upon his enemy, what use is that powerful weapon to him?
    Today, Israel is that person.
    The power that men hold, possess, of itself is useless, unless it is usefully directed, applied,
    …hopefully for good, and not for evil.
    ‘Thy sons have fainted, they lie at the head of all the streets, as a wild bull in a net: they are full of the fury of the LORD, the rebuke of thy God.’
    Today, a resurgent, *motivated* ISLAM, believes it now has its best chance, in many years, to finally destroy the state of Israel.
    ISLAM continues to gather its strength.
    While at the same time [in recent years], Israel’s strength is diluted, misdirected into futile ‘ventures’, which Israelis are promised, will, or could, achieve peace.
    Israel needs to make some hard decisions, if it is going to avert a crippling new war in the region.
    I don’t believe that Israel is ‘focused’ enough, to make those hard decisions.
    IMO, Israel believes that for peace, it can make ‘a deal with the devil’.
    The problem is, the devil is a deceiver.
    Always has been, always will be.
    The appeasement of evil men, does not lead to peace.
    Aggression, is not overcome, by surrender to it.
    Israel, your logic seems to be;
    If we give bullies what they want, maybe they will be satisfied, and leave us alone.
    I said it once before;
    ‘As individuals, we all know, or as adults, we should know by now!, that if we walk away from truth, we will [always!] reap confusion in our lives.’
    “When truth cannot make itself known in words, it will make itself known in deeds.”
    Roger Scruton
    I’m not promoting aggression, or war.
    I’m promoting that peace, real peace, comes from justice.
    And that justice can only flourish where men embrace truth.
    ‘Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do justice:…’

  • i b wright 04/10/2010 at 11:27

    Really good article. I learned a few things.
    One thing I would like to mention, though, is that while the article began by talking about how religious issues were part of it, it seemed to go on from there as if the two muslim branches are just political power forces, and not much else.
    I see things a little differently. I think that one very important leg of this is that if the Jews have a nation state on their land, that proves that the Judeo-Christian bible is right, and the koran is wrong. And that, my friends, is something that about a hundred million muslims will not abide by. And it’s why a two state solution will not work.

  • AZDean 04/10/2010 at 11:44

    Thanks Caroline for this refreshing perspective on the mid-East. I just ordered Lee Smith’s book to follow this idea further. And I’m with you on the need for Israel to rebuild it’s “strong horse” image in the region. Your conclusion that, “once [Israel] does that, with or without formal peace treaties, and with or without democracies flourishing region-wide, Israel will facilitate regional peace and stability for the benefit of all.”, is a mind-opener and worth serious consideration as a potential guiding principle Israel should take up. Brilliant.

  • Private 04/10/2010 at 22:25

    Ms. Glick,
    While I don’t dispute the wisdom of your policy prescriptions for Israel, I cannot reconcile Arab leaders’ public diplomacy with the supposed secret rationality that you detect lurking in the heart of hearts of miscreants like King Abbie.
    I only know Abdullah from the wildly errant, illogical and anti-Semitic “blame Israel for everything” speeches he makes whenever a microphone is set before him. There simply is no evidence in his speeches that he’s sentient and not performing according to a thoughtless program dictated by one value: hate.

  • Joe Huber 04/11/2010 at 12:59

    I always appreciate your comments. So I decided to have a look at Smith’s book “The Strong Horse”. Smith offers a key interpretation of the 9/11 event, which in my view CANNOT represent your view. It was NOT a clash between the West and Islam, but a conflict between the Arabs themselves? The attacks were not about the Americans? It’s strange they should chose the WTC as a battleground for their conflicts without intending to harm the Americans. Sounds like a goofish professor’s interpretation in a seminar for Freudian interpretation of politics.

  • J.D.Thurman 04/12/2010 at 0:08

    Lovely Lady;
    Once again you, as usual, show your acute acumen and erudition on the issues.
    Just remember: Barak Hussein Obama-bin-Laden is Israel’s most dangerous enemy…. and the enemy of the United States of America.

  • J.D.Thurman 04/12/2010 at 0:19

    Lovely Lady, You have once again, and as usual, shown acumen on the issues. Just remember: Barak Hussein Obama-bin-Laden is Israel most powerful enemy. As well as the worst enemy of the United States of America.

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