Browsing Category : Articles

How will we know who won the war?

Maybe one day, we will discover that the impetus for Hamas’s newest onslaught against Israel wasn’t the pending Supreme Court decision about whether or not to respect the property rights of Jewish landlords in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem. Maybe we’ll discover that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ efforts to deflect Palestinian public opinion away from his decision to…

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Israel’s political pathologies strike the presidential race

It is extremely frustrating for voters from the nationalist camp to watch the political wrangling over the upcoming elections to Israel’s presidency. The president of Israel is elected by members of Knesset and the next president will be elected on June 2. Presently, representatives of the nationalist camp have 65 representatives in the 120-member Knesset. Yet despite their commanding majority,…

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Biden’s Skin-Deep Support for Israel

Until Wednesday, President Joe Biden had maintained a fairly supportive posture towards Israel in the face of the Hamas terror regime in Gaza’s launch of its newest round of war against the Jewish state. In the first week of the new war, Biden’s administration blocked the UN Security Council from adopting anti-Israel statements and resolutions three times. Until Wednesday afternoon…

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Facing the real cause of the long Arab war

The time has come for Israel to stop giving a pass to Arab Jew hatred. In his book From Ambivalence to Betrayal: The Left, the Jews, and Israel, the late historian Robert Wistrich documented how before, during and after the Nazi period scholars from the political left disregarded and denied the ideological power anti-Semitism held over the Germans and their…

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What stands behind the new Palestinian war on Israel?

For the past two days, on an hourly basis, the attacks on Israel from Hamas-controlled Gaza and the attacks on Israeli Jews by Israeli Arabs grow worse. What on Sunday was a story limited to Arab violence against Jews and Israeli police in three main focal points in Jerusalem, as well as a few dozen rocket launches against southern Israel…

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Washington’s agenda is completely wrong — and incendiary

Throughout the month of Ramadan, the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority and Hamas have been inciting Arab Israelis in Jerusalem and throughout the country to attack Jews. And so it happened that at the outset of the month, Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and beyond found themselves beset by gangs of Arab thugs who beat them on the streets and light-rail cars just…

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The U.S. has plunged its relations with Israel into crisis

In light of the reactions from Washington to the Hamas and Fatah inspired Arab violence in Jerusalem, it is hard to see how Israel will be able to maintain a constructive dialogue about its relations with the Palestinians with the Biden administration or more broadly, with the Democrat Party. Indeed, the reactions coming out of Washington to the Arab violence…

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A Powder Keg, Courtesy of Washington

Since the Democrats took control of the White House and both Houses of Congress a hundred days ago, the Middle East has become a powder keg. But Israel’s ruling class sees nothing. In Afghanistan and Iraq, violent attacks against U.S. forces are rising steeply. From January through April, attacks on U.S. forces increased 40%. President Joe Biden’s announcement that the…

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Iran: Where Biden and Israel’s legal fraternity converge

The US media is treating the leaked recordings of Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif’s conversations with a journalist allied with President Hassan Rouhani as a major scoop. The recordings were allegedly set for release after Rouhani leaves office following this summer’s presidential elections. While there is good reason to doubt their authenticity, assuming the recordings are authentic, Zarif told his…

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The Elephant of Jew Hatred

In a viciously anti-Israel speech last week, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed that when discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, “the elephant in the room,” is “America’s military assistance to Israel.” Warren proceeded to call for Israel to be banned from using U.S. military aid in Judea and Samaria. The dictionary definition of the term “elephant in the room” is “an important or enormous topic, question or controversial issue that is…

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