Browsing Category : Articles

The Strategic Fallout of Biden’s Failure

Arguably, the moment U.S. President Joe Biden’s trip to Israel crashed and burned was on Friday morning during his remarks at Augusta Victoria Hospital on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Biden’s visit to the all-Arab hospital was the most controversial stop during Biden’s visit to the Jewish state, because it signaled an about-face on America’s long standing support for…

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How Biden Ensured his Trip to the Middle East Would Fail

Ahead of U.S. President Joe Biden’s trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia, the President published an op-ed in the Washington Post, where he placed his trip to into the context of his overall Middle East policy. A few days later, Israel’s opposition leader, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a brief statement on Biden’s then upcoming visit that spoke directly…

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How to End Israel’s Political Instability

For the past three and a half years, dysfunctional politics have rendered Israel hard-pressed to identify and seize opportunities or respond adequately to rising threats, whether they emanate from Tehran, Washington, Europe, Saudi Arabia or beyond. Last Thursday, the Bennett-Lapid government dissolved Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, setting elections for November 1. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett resigned from the premiership after a year…

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Biden’s Anti-Israel Gambit in Jerusalem Undermines American Sovereignty

The Palestinian Authority is waging lawfare against the United States. And rather than defend America, the Biden administration has joined the Palestinian lawfare campaign against it. That is how the Biden administration’s recent decision to initiate steps to form a separate diplomatic mission to the Palestinians in Israel’s capital ought to be understood. Earlier this month, The Washington Free Beacon revealed that the…

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The Generals’ Marvelous Doha Adventure

A drama is unfolding in the United States with massive implications for Israel. Unfortunately, since there is no anti-Netanyahu angle to the story, the media are ignoring it, and the police are pretending there’s nothing to see here. Last Monday, former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan General John Allen resigned his position as president of the Brookings Institute under…

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How to Kill a Democracy

Israeli democracy is hanging by a thread. That is the lesson from Monday’s testimony by prosecution witness and former Communications Ministry Director General Shlomo Filber at former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ongoing corruption trial. Filber revealed that Netanyahu is not alone in the dock. Israel’s democracy is also on trial. Benjamin Netanyahu is being tried for bribery and breach of…

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From Washington to Jerusalem the Conspiracies are Unravelling

In the U.S. as in Israel, the polarization between left and right grows from day to day. Our societies have never been more divided. A chief source of the social and ideological divide is the politicization of our countries’ legal systems. Over the past generation, leftist ideologues seized control over our state prosecution and law enforcement agencies and transformed our…

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Time to Stop Lying to Ourselves About Qatar

The news this week that U.S. President Joe Biden has decided not to remove Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps from the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations shouldn’t have come as a very big surprise. A majority of senators oppose removing the largest and most lethal terror group in the world from the list. And if Biden had crumpled to…

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Biden’s Foreign Policy is Driven by Impulse, Not Reason

Almost every day, questions arise about President Joe Biden‘s ability to make presidential-level decisions. The questions stem mainly from Biden’s repeated rhetorical gaffes. In a recent column in the Boston Herald, Howie Carr assembled a sampling of dozens of Biden’s misstatements since the start of May. Among the highlights, Biden told guests at the White House, “I thank all of you for being here,…

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Demonization, American Style

Demonization, the effort to portray a political rival as an inhuman monster, has long been a means to mobilize public support. The ancient Romans did it. The Soviets didn’t know there was another option. While negative campaigning has long been a tried and true method for winning elections in the free world, actual demonization was fairly rare, particularly in the…

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