Browsing Category : כללי

What have we learned from the mob?

This week was a hard week in Israel. In a dramatic speech on Monday evening, (after the show was taped), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recalled the story of Solomon’s Judgment of the two women claiming to be the same baby’s mother. He suggested cutting the child in two and giving each woman half. The fake mother agreed, the real mother…

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Iran crosses the nuclear threshold as Israelis and Americans are distracted by domestic revolutions

In this week’s episode of “Mideast News Hour,” I was joined by my friend and colleague Dr. David Wurmser, a senior Middle East policy adviser in both the Bush and Trump administrations. We discuss why the International Atomic Energy Agency’s announcement that Iran has crossed the nuclear threshold, has mastered the nuclear fuel cycle and can independently develop nuclear weapons…

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The Australian elections, Israel, and the woke revolution

What do the Australian election mean for the future of Australia-Israel ties?During Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of Britain’s Labour Party, Australia’s sister Labour Party under then leader Bob Carr, was Britain’s mini-me in terms of its animosity towards the Jewish state. Incoming Australian Prime Minister and Labour Party head Anthony Albanese has a long record of viciously anti-Israel positions and policies.…

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Sacrifice for Israel is Entirely Rational

I’m pleased to announced that his week, I moved the Caroline Glick to it’s new home at I am sure this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership. is one of the fastest growing — and essential online sources for news of the Jewish world in Israel and throughout the Diaspora. I was thrilled that on this big…

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France, Europe’s Broken Politics and the Holocaust

On the week of Holocaust Remembrance Day and the French presidential elections, I was joined by Eldad Beck, Israel Hayom’s correspondent in Europe to discuss the results – and implications of the French elections which demonstrated the pathologies of the left, right and center of French politics.We moved on to a wider discussion of Europe’s – and particularly Germany’s 74…

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Biden and Obama’s Putin Two-Step in Ukraine and Iran

How can Biden call Putin a war criminal for his aggression in Ukraine while subcontracting his signature foreign policy – cutting a deal that makes Iran a nuclear state and regional hegemon – to Putin? For answers to this key question, in this week’s Middle East News Hour I spoke to Mideast scholar Tony Badran from the Foundation for Defense…

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Becoming the Strong Tribe in the Middle East

In an interview with Fox News, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained that the fight he led against the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran in 2015 instigated the strategic partnership Israel developed with the Sunni Arab states which in turn spawned the 2020 Abraham Accords. The Saudis, the Emiratis, the Egyptians and other Arab states watched Israel’s leader’s stubborn…

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What Does Biden’s New Nuclear Deal with Iran Say?

Joe Biden and his team still say they are against Iran getting nuclear weapons, but their actions tell a different story. In this week’s Mideast News Hour, I spoke with Gabriel Noronha, the former State Department Iran specialist who disclosed the scope of Biden’s concessions to Ayatollah Khamenei on his Twitter feed earlier this month. We discussed the details of…

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Biden’s “Victory” Against Putin

Several commentators have argued in recent days that the crisis between Russia and Ukraine has been a godsend for President Joe Biden ahead of the midterm elections in November. The argument is fairly straightforward. With tough talk and without endangering any U.S. forces, Biden is managing to block Russian President Vladimir Putin from carrying through on his plan to invade…

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Can You Rebuild a Democracy after a Deep-State Coup?

In Episode 35, against the rising talk that Benjamin Netanyahu will agree to a plea bargain that will banish him from political life, co-host Gadi Taub and I spoke with our friend and bestselling author of the Plot Against the President and The Permanent Coup, Lee Smith. We discussed what happens to a democracy after permanent bureaucracies oust elected leaders,…

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