Monthly Archives : April 2010

Poland’s tragedy

It’s a horrible shock. And there is an ironic aspect to the tragedy which oughtn’t be ignored. Poland’s leadership was decapitated while they were en route to mourn the Katyn massacre. That of course was a decapitation strike by the Russians against what was the natural non-Communist leadership of post-war Poland. Apropos of nothing, here’s an interesting read.

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David Petreaus and Israel

One of my pet peeves with the US military, that I raise every time I find myself speaking to US military officers, is that they bowed to Arab pressure and wiped Israel off the Middle East map. This they did a number of years ago, when they decided that Israel would be attached to the US military’s European Command while…

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Israel the strong horse

  What does Jordan’s King Abdullah want from Israel? This week Abdullah gave a long and much cited interview to the Wall Street Journal. There he appeared to be begging US President Barack Obama to turn up the heat still further on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. As he has on a number of occasions, Abdullah argued that the Palestinian conflict…

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Exploiting the crisis with Washington

There is an element of irony in the current crisis of relations between the Obama administration and Israel. On the one hand, although US President Barack Obama and his advisors deny there is anything wrong with US-Israel relations today, it is easy to understand why no one believes them.   On the other hand on most issues, there is substantive…

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Tribal Update celebrates Passover and Peace Now Stays Alive

This week’s Tribal Update from my Hebrew-language satire website Latma celebrates Passover and exposes how Peace Now has stayed alive all these years even though every single one of its claims has been proved wrong again and again. We also discuss the happy discovery of a lost tribe of Jews in Burkina Faso.    I hope you enjoy the show…

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