Dear Friends,
As I have written in a number of articles recently, Israelis consider President Obama to be deeply hostile to Israel. A Jerusalem Post poll from June showed that only 6 percent of Israeli Jews think that he is pro-Israel and a more recent Haaretz poll showed that a mere 12 percent of Israelis think Obama is supportive of Israel.
Our suspicion of the US President extends to his staff, and particularly to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. It was Emanuel, the son of an Israeli father who got Obama’s anti-Israel train rolling with his statement to AIPAC members in the spring that the US now links its willingness to do something against Iran’s nuclear program to Israel’s willingness to bar Jews from building homes in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Emanuel is widely perceived as being a self-hating Jews who is determined to prove himself to Obama by sticking it to Israel.
In my life outside Jerusalem Post columns, I started a Hebrew website earlier in the year called
Latma means “slap” in Hebrew slang. Latma is a satirical website that focuses on criticism of the uniformly far left local media in Israel. Our tiny team of researchers, writers, actors and production staff devotes itself to pointing out media bias and professional incompetence of Israel’s leading media celebrities and news outlets both through daily web updates and through our flagship weekly online video broadcast.
Last week, we broadcast the following clip about Rahm Emanuel in our newscast. We decided to translate it into English for the viewing pleasure of non-Hebrew speaking audiences everywhere. The song is a take-off a a 1966 Israeli film called “Kunilemel” which is an Israeli classic on the order of “Singin’ in the Rain” in America.
By the way, Latma is fully funded through generous donations from philanthropists to the Washington DC-based Center for Security Policy’s Middle East media program which I run in my capacity as the CSP’s Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs.
At Latma it is our belief that by exposing the Israeli media to ridicule through satire, we will help to change the nature of the public discourse in Israel. We will empower the public to question the authority of our media elite. And once their authority is no longer taken for granted, we believe that the Israeli people will bypass the media and develop a relevant, educated, responsible and alternative national discourse on the internet. We believe that such an alternative national discussion is crucial for Israelis to be able to understand and contend with the massive challenges we face as a country and to provide our leaders the tailwind they need to make the difficult decisions these times demand of them.
If you would like receive more information about Latma, and are interested in getting involved, please contact me at [email protected].
I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did, send it out to your mailing lists or put it on your website. We believe the more people who watch it the better.
By the way, in the coming posts, I’ll be linking to three videos I did at the Center for Security Policy while I was in Washington last week. One of them gives more information specifically about Latma.
Thanks for staying tuned in!
My thought was wouldn’t it be great if Israel didn’t have to give a damn about what the White House does or says related to Israel.
And wouldn’t it be grand if Israel showed as much concern for the words of God.
But then when a nation bends it knee to their
false gods on the Potomac they have to be very concerned about what is going on there.
It is a fact that the God of Israel is putting the pressure on Israel from east to west,north to south and causing all of their vain plans to fail,until the wild horses are broken and return to Him.
I sure hope you left a copy of the video for the kapo in the White House before you left town.
I wish you great success in your effort to end the many decades of brainwashing the Israeli public have been undergoing by the forces of darkness but unless you include HaShem in your plans it will fail just like Netanyahu will fail again.
Just a little suggestion.
F-ing Jew and I would,could have put it up on my blog for my 2 1/2 readers to view.
Even I have a few moral absolutes remaining in these perverse times where anything and evertything goes.
Israel your tolerance is killing you.Time to clean up the mess before someone else does.
We(the world)is now headed for ‘The Lord is Grieved’-part 2 and it’s going to get real ugly, real soon.
Find Favor.
Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor/grace in the eyes of the LORD.
Genesis 6
Canada is an ally with Israel and not pleased with the current administration in United States.
A state of war has existed with the terrorist and I don’t expect that to change until the terrorist is gone kiled or captured.
Suggest: Take out the leadership with the nuke factories while at it.
Order of the Thistle
I have posted your video at Sha’i Ben Tekoa’s
site; the blog at
But pretty much preaching to the choir there!Finally purchased your book
and welcome back!
Bravo to Caroline Glick and all the cast and “crew” on the flotilla shtick.
I LOVED it and am forwarding to everyone and anyone I know.
You are great!! I don’t agree with the right but i totally love what you do and the delivery is refreshingly amazing!! I am here in israel if you need asistance. Orly
Although I agree the Israeli media needs a kick in the butt, I’m more concerned about how Israel is perceived in the non-Israeli media.
As an ex-Brit, I’m embarrassed beyond words by the BBC’s anti-Israel bias, although lately it does seem to have toned down a little. However when organisations such as Reuters deliberately fabricate evidence against Israel or crop photos in order to advance their agenda, ignoring their responsibility to inform their readers, and such things are considered “acceptable”, then there is something seriously rotten with the media as a whole.
We used to have news services and separately propaganda. Now we have propaganda masquerading as news and no one gives a damn.
Loved the video “We con the World”. Keep up the good work and letting people know the truth that the mainstream media try to hide.