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Sunday Times blood libel.jpg

Since I came home from London, subsequent events have borne out my dim assessment of England, and done so at break-neck pace. As one of Britain’s great righteous gentiles Douglas Murray wrote in an essaypublished yesterday by the Gatestone Institute, England is no longer even trying to hide its anti-Semitism. At this point, to live well in the kingdom, Jews are required to accept or at least express minimal objection to the dominant narrative that Israel is the current Nazi Germany.

Back in 2005, I felt it was a mistake for Israel to push for the UN to establish an international Holocaust remembrance day. What did we need it for?
The UN emerged at the 2001 Durban conference as the epicenter of global anti-Semitism. Why should we give it an out for its hostility towards live Jews by letting it pretend it isn’t a anti-Semitic institution because it mourns dead Jews?
At any rate, it took no time at all for the UN and its member states to use the new International Holocaust Remembrance Day as a means of defaming Israel and so gunning for a new Holocaust of Jewry.
In England in the space of a week, a British parliament member from the Liberal-Democrat Pary named David Ward said that Israel is perpetrating a Holocaust on the Palestinians Arabs, and the Sunday Times published the above anti-Semitic, Nazi-styled cartoon. The cartoon came out on the ill-conceived International Holocaust Memorial Day.

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So I am sad to say, I am right.
Britain is no place for Jews.
Anyway, here are my opening remarks at the debate.

And here’s the link to the entire debate.
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  • rob.onley 01/29/2013 at 16:52

    Thank you, Caroline, for speaking the absolute truth about this matter. Thank you for having the guts to speak up, speak loudly and proudly about the realities surrounding Israeli “settlements”.
    I am sharing your video on my blog in the hopes that others will hear the truth. I look forward to reading your new book.
    Robert Onley

  • Paul 01/29/2013 at 19:59

    Once again Caroline represents the voice of reason with conviction and passion. Thank you. You are the picture and sound of hope for people everywhere and not just the Jewish people. You are looking good in the flesh too. Whatever you are doing, keep it up.

  • naomir 01/29/2013 at 20:46

    Dear Caroline and Dani. No one could have done better in putting forth the issues. Your frustration and disappointment was heartbreaking. Unfortunately it is very difficult to convince small minded people of the truth. HaShem has good things in store for us, but we must trust in Him and no one else. It’s happened before and it will happen again.

  • zoya.goldman 01/30/2013 at 10:31

    Really, it is just stunning that denial of basic Jewish rights in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria passes for liberalism these days. How are people not ashamed to admit that they support the view that cannot be characterized as anything but blatantly anti-Semitic?

  • zoya.goldman 01/31/2013 at 1:14

    Caroline, I just finished watching the debate, and I am in awe of your courage. It was a clearly unfair setup, and I do wonder if it deserved to be dignified with your presence and to be given the appearance of a legitimate and civilized debate. You are right – it is not up to the Gentiles any more to have our lives at their mercy and to decide whether Jews have the right to self determination. I only wish Israeli politicians subscribed to this view. Sadly, I really don’t believe that they do.

  • Shalomis 02/01/2013 at 3:01

    I believe we “lost” that debate because no one spoke about G-d. Neither Caroline nor Danny referenced anything spiritual about the relationship between the Land, the Jewish people and the G-d of Israel. If they had, I believe they could have touched more hearts and perhaps brought more people to favor our view. Next time, dear friends, let the neshama have a chance to speak.

  • Ty Kendall 02/03/2013 at 7:57

    I watched the debate last night and I have to say I’ve never been so ashamed to be English. (C’mon Israeli Government, give me Israeli Citizenship please! I want to jump ship…!)
    I was also deeply disappointed with the Intelligence Squared organization. The pre-debate vote showed exactly how unbalanced and biased the audience already were (343 For, 97 Against, 192 Don’t Know) and I suspect many of those “Don’t knows” were actually “Fors” intending on making the final vote look like more of a dramatic swing to their side.
    When Daniel Levy had to be physically restrained by his “colleague” while people were walking out was a particular low point, and yet is was Dani Dayan who had the grace to apologise for his own lack of restraint (when all he did was raise his voice). Speaks volumes.
    The rising tide of anti-Semitism (often masquerading as legitimate criticism of Israeli policy) in the UK is alarming to say the least.
    This is not the country I was born into, it’s as foreign to me as down-town Islamabad.


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