Like it or not, the United States of America is no longer the world's policeman. This was the message of Barack Obama's presidential journey to Britain, France, the Czech Republic, Turkey and Iraq this past week.
Somewhere between apologizing for American history – both distant and recent; genuflecting before the unelected, bigoted king of Saudi Arabia; announcing that he will slash the US's nuclear arsenal, scrap much of America's missile defense programs and emasculate the US Navy; leaving Japan to face North Korea and China alone; telling the Czechs, Poles and their fellow former Soviet colonies, "Don't worry, be happy," as he leaves them to Moscow's tender mercies; humiliating Iraq's leaders while kowtowing to Iran; preparing for an open confrontation with Israel; and thanking Islam for its great contribution to American history, President Obama made clear to the world's aggressors that America will not be confronting them for the foreseeable future.
Whether they are aggressors like Russia, proliferators like North Korea, terror exporters like nuclear-armed Pakistan or would-be genocidal-terror-supporting nuclear states like Iran, today, under the new administration, none of them has any reason to fear Washington.
This news is music to the ears of the American Left and their friends in Europe. Obama's supporters like billionaire George Soros couldn't be more excited at the self-induced demise of the American superpower. CNN's former (anti-)Israel bureau chief Walter Rodgers wrote ecstatically in the Christian Science Monitor on Wednesday, "America's… superpower status, is being downgraded as rapidly as its economy."
The pro-Obama US and European media are so pleased with America's abdication of power that they took the rare step of applauding Obama at his press conference in London. Indeed, the media's enthusiasm for Obama appeared to grow with each presidential statement of contrition for America's past uses of force, each savage attack he leveled against his predecessor George W. Bush, each swipe he took at Israel, and each statement of gratitude for the blessings of Islam he uttered.
But while the media couldn't get enough of the new US leader, America's most stable allies worldwide began a desperate search for a reset button that would cause the administration to take back its abandonment of America's role as the protector of the free world.
Tokyo was distraught by the administration's reaction to North Korea's three-stage ballistic missile test. Japan recognized the betrayal inherent in Defense Secretary Robert Gates's announcement ahead of Pyongyang's newest provocation that the US would only shoot the missile down if it targeted US territory. In one sentence, uttered not in secret consultations, but declared to the world on CNN, Gates abrogated America's strategic commitment to Japan's defense.
India, for its part, is concerned by Obama's repeated assertions that its refusal to transfer control over the disputed Jammu and Kashmir provinces to Pakistan inspires Pakistani terror against India. It is equally distressed at the Obama administration's refusal to make ending Pakistan's support for jihadist terror groups attacking India a central component of its strategy for contending with Pakistan and Afghanistan. In general, Indian officials have expressed deep concern over the Obama administration's apparent lack of regard for India as an ally and a significant strategic counterweight to China.
Then there is Iraq. During his brief visit to Baghdad on Tuesday afternoon, Obama didn't even pretend that he would ensure that Iraqi democracy and freedom are secured before US forces are withdrawn next year. The most supportive statement he could muster came during his conversation with Turkish students in Istanbul earlier in the day. There he said, "I have a responsibility to make sure that as we bring troops out, that we do so in a careful enough way that we don't see a complete collapse into violence."
Hearing Obama's statements, and watching him and his advisers make daily declarations of friendship to Iran's mullahs, Iraqi leaders are considering their options for surviving the rapidly approaching storm.
Then there is Europe. Although Obama received enthusiastic applause from his audience in Prague when he announced his intention to destroy the US's nuclear arsenal, drastically scale back its missile defense programs and forge a new alliance with Russia, his words were anything but music to the ears of the leaders of former Soviet satellites threatened by Russia. The Czech, Polish, Georgian and Ukrainian governments were quick to recognize that Obama's strong desire to curry favor with the Kremlin and weaken his own country will imperil their ability to withstand Russian aggression.
It is not a coincidence, for instance, that the day Obama returned to Washington, Georgia's Moscow-sponsored opposition announced its plan to launch massive protests in Tblisi to force the ouster of pro-Western, anti-Russian Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili.
And as for Russia, like Iran, which responded to Obama's latest ode to the mullahs by opening a nuclear fuel plant and announcing it has 7,000 advanced centrifuges in operation, so Moscow reacted to Obama's fig leaf with a machine gun, announcing its refusal to support sanctions against North Korea and repeating its false claim that Iran's nuclear program is nonaggressive.
Finally there is Israel. If Obama's assertions that Israel must support the immediate establishment of a Palestinian state, his declarations of support for the so-called Saudi "peace plan," which requires Israel to commit national suicide in exchange for "peace" with the Arab world, and his continuous and increasingly frantic appeals for Iran to "engage" his administration weren't enough to show Israel that Obama is sacrificing the US's alliance with the Jewish state in a bid to appease the Arabs and Iran, on Tuesday Vice President Joseph Biden made this policy explicit.
When Biden told CNN that Israel would be "ill-advised" to attack Iran's nuclear installations, he made clear that from the administration's perspective, an Israeli strike that prevents Iran from becoming a nuclear power is less acceptable than a nuclear-armed Iran. That is, the Obama administration prefers to see Iran become a nuclear power than to see Israel secure its very existence.
AMERICA'S BETRAYAL of its democratic allies makes each of them more vulnerable to aggression at the hands of their enemies – enemies the Obama administration is now actively attempting to appease. And as the US strengthens their adversaries at their expense, these spurned democracies must consider their options for surviving as free societies in this new, threatening, post-American environment.
For the most part, America's scorned allies lack the ability to defeat their enemies on their own. India cannot easily defeat nuclear-armed Pakistan, which itself is fragmenting into disparate anti-Indian nuclear-wielding Islamist and Islamist-supporting factions.
Japan today cannot face North Korea – which acts as a Chinese proxy – on its own without risking a confrontation with China.
Russia's invasion of Georgia last August showed clearly that its former republics and satellites have no way of escaping Moscow's grip alone.
This week's Arab League conference at Doha demonstrated to Iraq's leaders that their Arab brethren are incapable and unwilling to confront Iran.
And the Obama administration's intense efforts to woo Iran coupled with its plan to slash the US's missile defense programs – including those in which Israel participates – and reportedly pressure Israel to dismantle its own purported nuclear arsenal – make clear that Israel today stands alone against
THE RISKS that the newly inaugurated post-American world pose for America's threatened friends are clear. But viable opportunities for survival do exist, and Israel can and must play a central role in developing them. Specifically, Israel must move swiftly to develop active strategic alliances with Japan, Iraq, Poland, and the Czech Republic and it must expand its alliance with India.
With Israel's technological capabilities, its intelligence and military expertise, it can play a vital role in shoring up these countries' capacities to contain the rogue states that threaten them. And by containing the likes of Russia, North Korea and Pakistan, they will make it easier for Israel to contain Iran even in the face of US support for the mullahs.
The possibilities for strategic cooperation between and among all of these states and Israel run the gamut from intelligence sharing to military training, to missile defense, naval development, satellite collaboration, to nuclear cooperation. In addition, of course, expanded economic ties between and among these states can aid each of them in the struggle to stay afloat during the current global economic crisis.
Although far from risk free, these opportunities are realistic because they are founded on stable, shared interests. This is the case despite the fact that none of these potential alliances will likely amount to increased support for Israel in international forums. Dependent as they are on Arab oil, these potential allies cannot be expected to vote with Israel in the UN General Assembly. But this should not concern Jerusalem.
The only thing that should concern Jerusalem today is how to weaken Iran both directly by attacking its nuclear installations, and indirectly by weakening its international partners in Moscow, Pyongyang, Islamabad and beyond in the absence of US support. If Japan is able to contain North Korea and so limit Pyongyang's freedom to proliferate its nuclear weapons and missiles to Iran and Syria and beyond, Israel is better off. So, too, Israel is better off if Russia is contained by democratic governments in Eastern and Central Europe. These nations in turn are better off if Iran is contained and prevented from threatening them both directly and indirectly through its strategic partners in North Korea, Syria and Russia, and its terror affiliates in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
For the past 16 years, successive Israeli governments have wrongly believed that politics trump strategic interests. The notion that informed Israel's decision-makers – not unlike the notion that now informs the Obama administration – was that Israel's strategic interests would be secured as a consequence of its efforts to appease its enemies by weakening itself. Appreciative of Israel's sacrifices for peace, the nations of the world – and particularly the US, the Arabs and Europe – would come to Israel's defense in its hour of need. Now that the hour of need has arrived, Israel's political strategy for securing itself has been exposed as a complete fiasco.
The good news is that no doubt sooner rather than later, Obama's similarly disastrous bid to denude the US of its military power under the naive assumption that it will be able to use its new stature as a morally pure strategic weakling to win its enemies over to its side will fail spectacularly and America's foreign policy will revert to strategic rationality.
But to survive the current period of American strategic madness, Israel and the US's other unwanted allies must build alliances with one another – covertly if need be – to contain their adversaries in the absence of America. If they do so successfully, then the damage to global security induced by Obama's emasculation of his country will be limited. If on the other hand, they fail, then America's eventual return to its senses will likely come too late for its allies – if not for America itself.
Originally published in The Jerusalem Post.
President Obama’s Administration is similar to how the Carter regime emasculated American foreign and military policies. Mr. Obama may end up as a “one-term” wonder in 2012, if conservatives retake the White House. At least for the remainder of Mr. Obama’s term, Israel will need to recalibrate its relationship with the United States. And Israel has every right to defend itself from threats from Iran and other adversaries. So, for the next few years left-wing liberals will have their time in the sun, albeit fleeting.
Although it isn’t the proper time to grieve for the United States, We’re close. Discussions about the hoped for awakening of our country, but the continuous undermining of our institutional structure has gone on now for decades, unabated. If the talentless goober keeps chipping away, further damaging our country, what then? We are running out of time for a re-awakening.
i want to comment on barack HUSSEIN obama’s bowing to the king of saudi arabia. the democrats claim that the king being a man who is short required obama to bend to shake hands. However i know a person who is a midget and i don’t bow to shake his hand.
Unreported in the US and world press is the fact that Obama is facing an unprecedented number of challenges to him holding the office of President due to the fact that he is a subject of a foreign government. His father was a British Subject and this was passed on to him at birth. He is trying desperately to keep this information from the American people, So before Israel gets involved in a treaty with this usurper it should know that any treaty they may enter in with him could become Null and Void, leaving Israel with a mess on her hands.
For more information see the website
‘Israel’s strategic interests would be secured as a consequence of its efforts to appease its enemies by weakening itself.’
We can see where this wise thinking of so many of Israel’s brightest lights has led the nation.
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…….
Romans 1
A critical ingredient you left out in your post-America alignment of the dumped dependants is that Israel had better learn to stand on her own two feet and get tough with those it has emboldened by it’s craven weakness to please her ‘old’ Masters at the Washington Plantation Headquarters.
Even the Somali pirates do not fear punk Obama,the paper tiger and his assorted nuts at the helm.
I wonder if even now Israel under Netanyahu is able to stand up to the nation that sacrifices them to the Islamic world for no peace ?
North Korea, the extra fist subcontractor of China Inc. is pushing hard for a fight with the Captain of the Titanic and it’s ex-wards thrown overboard, Japan and South Korea.
It’s past time for Israel to stop acting like plantation slaves as in hindsight it is evident that everything Israel has done for the U.S. led peace had blown up in its face and things are much worse by following the U.S. agenda.
The blind and the lame think we have time to look forward to another election where maybe another phony Republican might save the day.
Political salvation is a delusion as is any Israel alliance with a Moslem Iraq or that the Cezech or Japanese can stand up to China or Russia.You fall into the same error you did by your abnormal dependance on the U.S. with these other alliances which are also futile dead ends.You either choose to forget or are in deep denial that Bush made Obama possible just as he destroyed the right wing of the Republican party. There is no longer one and to hope in the grass roots masses is another delusion as they did nothing for Israel as Bush pushed Israel to retreat from Gaza and stop the war against Hizbollah in Lebanon.
The grass roots ,Jews and Christians do not even have the political clout to get Jonathan Pollard released from his over extended incarceration .
Pollard is the canary in the mine for Israel and all Jews who foolishly lean on America .
When America sinks below the water line ,you and Israel will have to focus on something ,someone more important .
America is going down never to rise again and hopefully Israel has learend a valuable lesson about going down to Egypt for help.
Barack Obama is setting the stage for another World War. His polices of appeasement, slashing conventional military forces and nuclear disarmament are all the signals that our enemies need to think that the United States has once again become a helpless giant.
As distracted, inept and undercut by his own Secretary of State as George Bush was in his second term, our enemies still had a chilling vision of what American military might can accomplish when is allowed to do what it was meant to do: to protect American citizens from attack by foreign attack by destroying them. Two supposedly invincible military obstacles, Afghanistan and Iraq, where collapsed in a matter of weeks. The leftist desires to see the U.S. military mired in “quagmire” became the butt of jokes. To this day the clueless MSM cannot understand why the United States has not come under attack since 9-11. Heightened security, collapsing terrorist sheltering countries and killing jihadis by the tens of thousands apparently have no meaning for them. In their view the best defense against people who hate us is a good round of self -abasement and appeasement.
Among Bush’s greatest failings were retaining Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State and appointing Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense. Both of them sought conciliation with Iran, which since the Islamic Revolution, has been, by far, our worst enemy in the Mideast. Today this appeasement is setting up not just the United States, but Israel and Europe, for war. North Korea, China and Russia also sense the weakness of the West and are growing more aggressive daily.
Well, the lefties now have an administration in Washington that they have always sought. Disarmament and appeasement are the “new” progressive policies. Shortly we will get yet another demonstration of what these policies mean in real world. Israel is too close to the front lines to allow these woozy “love thy enemy” fantasies to set in. What better time could there be to break with Washington?
First i wish to be encouraging to Marcel C.
Israel will be protected by the LORD GOD, because as it says in Genesis 12 that GOD will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. Furthermore in the prophet Zechariah chapter 14 it says that the LORD will return and judge people to heaven or hell when every nation on the earth simultaneously send their armies against Israel. So look up for your redemption is near oh Israel and those who fear the Lord. And unwittingly barrak HUSSEIN obama has the attitude where he would commit the United States military against Israel. The reason i say this about obama is his recent refual to meet with an Israeli emmissary [i forget the emmisarry’s name], and how obama wants to appease iran and how obama bowed down to the king of saudi arbia as well as other actions so far to appease islam.
One more remark: the claim that obama lost his contact lens so it wasn’t bowing to the saudi king, what his supporters have forgot to pick something up from the floor requires bending of the knees. Also the statement that it was respect for the saudi monarch is contradicted by the failur to show respect for Queen of England because i have seen his meeting of the Queen.
The problem for Israel will be Obama’s retaliation should Netanyahu prove recalcitrant.
That retaliation will be in the U.N. and it doesn’t even have to be overt. The US will simply fail to block economic sanctions against Israel that it previously did in the UN. That previous policy will end shortly after Obama meets with the ‘unreasonable’ Netanyahu.
Obama will claim to have been ‘reluctantly’ ‘forced’ by Israeli ‘intransigence’ into these measures.
Then other efforts will be made to limit economic, military and information ‘cooperation’ between Israel and it’s natural allies Glick mentioned.
Israel isn’t just on its own, it faces a covertly hostile US administration.
Americans have demonstrated by their refusal to undercut their own government’s despicable treachery and anti-semitism, that they are by association a treacherous and untrustworthy people.
This is not a label that is healthy for American long-term survival as a world power. In the meantime, Israel need to decide if it goes down with the Yankee ship, or cuts the deadwood loose, and begins to treat the US as the new Cold War enemy it has become.
First off Caroline, you’re assuming that the Obama administration is going to stand idle while this ad hoc coalition of the responsible and the sane begins to gather and to coalesce.
Rest assurred, the Obama administration will move heaven and earth to prevent such a coalition coming together.
Your proposal would effectively throttle and then thwart what Obama is intending, which is saddle up The United States with Iran, with China, with Russia, and against those states that presumably will fall within the spheres of influence of those powers.
Obama’s team IS DETERMINED to see the world break down into what they see as rational and inexorable spheres of influence, such as the Persian Gulf region falling under the sway of Persia, Eastern Europe falling under the sway of Moscow, the Pacific Rim falling under the sway of China.
Any attempt to stop that, and that’s what they deem as sane, rational and ever so reasonable, any attempt to thwart that will be seen as the action of a state trying to take the world back to a world prone to violence. Id est, the actions of a state that is both rogue and warlike.
India isn’t being consulted on what the proper government for Kashmir is, India is being increasingly and unceremoniously informed of what the future will be, whether they like it or not.
Japan stated that the waters around Taiwan were strategic, so the Obama administration just publicly informed them that they were on their own.
As for Iran, I think Netanyahu is left with no choice but to tell Washington either Tehran is completely defanged, or Tehran will be nuked, along with her various nuclear sites.
I don’t see any other option, for any attempt to persuade Obama and his minions to take on Tehran is a joke, for Obama and his team are DETERMINED upon “coopting” Tehran as a force for “stability” in the region.
This Obama administration is completely hopeless, and the only thing left is determining what’s the over/under number on the number of dead resulting from it’s insane and deliberately reckless policies.
Send Barrack these two books: “Battleground” by samual Katz, and “Schmoozing with Terrorists” by Aaron Klien. If that doesn’t break the Saudi propaganda machine’s university propogated mindset, nothing will. For he is only going by what he has been taught by the so called “experts” of our own Saudi sponcered “educational” system.
not only is Obama facing unprecedented challenges at large – apparently he is also less than esteemed among African Americans, at least less so than the mainstream media wanted us to believe all the way back in November.
Here is the You Tube video of Pastor James David Manning, PhD defining Obama as the child of a “white trash woman” because, says Manning, Obama was conceived out of wedlock by a black man and a white woman:
Manning goes on to call Obama “a wicked spirit” and charging that since he is the child of “a white trash woman”, Obama is not black but rather white trash himself. It is interesting to note that Manning is a Pastor in Harlem, of all places, a Democrat and an African American.
But besides the racist, derogatory and inflammatory remarks of Manning and others, which ultimately create animosity and accomplish nothing, the point is that it is not true that the African American community is wholeheartedly behind Barrack Obama.
Hard to believe that the USA was once known as “the arsenal of democracy”…now it is the popgun of democracy.Tyrants,rejoice…
Obama was handpicked by the elitest to bring on the NWO, A new world order that President Bush pushed every day of his eight miserable years in power.
How easily the political groupies of the left and right are entranced by their bright stars,hero’s who can never do no wrong.
How can any true supporter of Israel defend or make any excuses for the first president to call for a Palestinian state unless they are confused and double minded ?
The first Prez to have the Islamic unholy fast of Ramadan at the White House on numerous occasions,a President who loved to openly hold hands with the Saudi King while attacking Israel for building homes ?
One who betrayed Israel with his ‘contigious Palestinian state’ thereby ripping Israel in two,who led the way in appeasing Islam by sacrificing Israel for this counterfeit peace Road Map.Who never missed an opportunity to restrain Israel and hinder the IDF from acheiving a victory against another Arab army.One who trampled Israel’s sovereignty and threatend P.M. Sharon that the U.S would remove suport for Israel unless they retreated from Gaza and got busy surrendering more land for his personal vision of a Plaestinian terrorist state in Israel’s heartland.
The one man who is directly responsibe for Hamas control over Gaza by pushing for ‘democratic elections and forcing Israel to stay out ‘for the cause of his peace plan.
The fraud who targeted Israel supporters at AFSI and refused to relese prisoner of Zion Pollard while giving Hizbollah spy at the FBI & CIA Nada Nadim Prouty a slap on the hands.
Obama is a continuation of Bush 2 as he was a continuation of Clinton,the only things which changes is that the voters get dumber.
How contemptuous are the kool-aid drinkers who blame Secretary Rice or or anyone but the master at the helm.,You are as pathetic as the left who sweep reality under the rug to feed your false delusions with the false gods you bow down to and serve.
I gladly thrrow mud on your despicable polished idols.
Nada Nadim Prouty
Caroline, the truth cannot hide, the liberal and left media can color and spin it however they want, Caroline Glick will exposes it for what it and is not what others want you to believe.
Caroline, do you think American voters now realize what a mistake they made on Election Day?
If given the chance to turn back the clock I am sure things would be different. Unfortunately that is not possible.
Maybe this is the rude awakening America needs. Knowing enough not to allow the liberal left media sell you on something bad. Not like buying a product at a store that allows for returns.
For Americans we have to start to work on our government officials and those elected to the House and Senate to start returning this great County to the people.
We can do it.
We need to do it.
It’s time to reclaim Our Country.
For Israel, Americans still stand with you regardless of the stupid tactics employed by this administration.
PM Netanyahu has to let Obama and his cronies know on uncertain terms Israel is not interested in giving up any territory to anyone, especially Syria.
Israel is not interested in supporting a two state solution, this is a mirage created by Arabs and liberals.
Let they know because they are naive and are being fooled by Iran into thinking they will sit down with them to resolve any issues. This is stupidity at its height.
Americans and Israelis need to stand together.
Time has come for American Jews to stand up and be counted.
Whether or not you live in the U.S. or any other place in the world remember you are tied to Israel by tradition, heritage and by G-d.
I would love for the US to continue to defend all these nations and to backstop them. But the money ain’t there anymore. Blame the derivatives traders and credit default swap traders for killing America’s superpower status. Our enemy within hurt us more than Bin Ladin did
I despise Obama and his ideology but even John McCain would have to pare back. We are broke. So Caroline your essay floats on a thin air that all this could be done but Obama chooses not to due his leftist ideology. That is only half the story when the US has such an awful economy
One positive for Israel is with the low oil price Islam is not so strong right now. It is much better to hit Iran now than when oil is $115 and headed higher like it was last year at this time
The United States is in severe economic, military, political, and sociological decline. Under Barack Obama that decline has accelerated. Soon the US will be unable to act as the world’s policeman any longer—regardless of who is president.
To quote the great Rev. Wright, “G-d damn America.”
Hope Washington gets nuked first.
What a bunch of scum bags. They are no better than the Nazis.
The state of Israel needs to start running advertisements on television in The United States, informing the public of ALL the diplomatic efforts to stop Tehran, and inform them of the consequences of Tehran going nuke.
They need a massive advertisement campaign.
Israel needs to stop treating the American government as their partner, and start seeing the American people as their partner.
The American government is increasingly adhering to the Arab narrative.
Israel needs to inform the American people, over the head of the Obama administration, of what it intends to do to completely stop Tehran going nuke.
The measures that Israel adopts are going to completely shatter relations with the Obama administration, which clearly WANTS Tehran to go nuke.
Biden is out there threatening Israel if it tries to stop Tehran, and has been doing all he could to create the mindset that Tehran going nuke is “inevitable.”
Israel needs to mentally accept the fact that relations with The United States government will be destroyed, at least so long as that government is governed by Obama, and the Obama mindset.
Explain the situation.
Explain the failed diplomacy.
Explain the bogus “sanction regime.”
Explain how options now are horribly few.
And Explain your military measures.
Such an ad campaign, launched before Israel goes after Tehran, would cause a massive furor across the world, for it would put the whole world on notice, that they must stop Tehran completely, or Israel will unleash on Tehran.
Only thus, might Israel arrest this nightmare without unleashing on Tehran.
As soon as Israel goes after Tehran, Obama and his minions will use that as the reason to reorient American diplomacy away from Israel, and towards a much more open pro-arab position.
So before you guys do much of anything, you had better REALLY explain yourselves to the American people, who as yet, don’t really have a mental grip on the whole Tehran situation.
Caroline, if what you are saying is accurate, then we are indeed in deep doodoo. Most Americans who voted Obama still think of him in the way that Chabad Hasidiim think of the late Rebbe, someone who can’t be criticized—YET. As what you descirbes deveolopes, I think people’s opinions will change, and the GW Bush that so many of us made fun of (in many cases, rightfully so) will be largely exonerated.
I didn’t think it was possible for a president to make Jimmy Carter look good by comparison.
“But to survive the current period of American strategic madness, Israel and the US’s other unwanted allies must build alliances with one another – covertly if need be – to contain their adversaries in the absence of America.”
Well said, Caroline. I wholeheartedly agree. But will it happen? And how? And more importantly: how strong would such an alliance be? Will it withstand hardships?
Actually, I’m convinced that the Obama administration is in “learning mode”. They’re in for quite some nasty surprises, when they finally realize that their delusions won’t survive the stubbornness of some societies and countries. Then, and only then, will they wake up and smell the coffee.
We have gone back to the League of Nations, Caroline, and the outcome will be perhaps even worse than the carnage that we now call WWII, a war brought about by the best of intentions of the international community which was ironically trying to outlaw war.
Dear Ms. Glick, I have been an admirer of yours for years – yashar koach.
As to alliances in Asia, all I can say is good luck. That would require rationality and an instinct for self-preservation to prevail, which they have failed to do in the West.
Hindu nationalists are ardent Zionists, admiring of even Kahane. They have learned from bitter experience the possibilities of co-existence with jihadism. However, the Congress party and the ghost of the appeaser Gandhi loom large over India.
As for Japan, I listen to NHK World Radio Japan daily. Within a one-month span, I heard stories about the Israeli “bombardment” of Gaza with no explanation of who began the war; an account of the Chas Freeman affair attributing his fall to “the Israel lobby” with no discussion of the Saudi lobby or the China lobby; and a 20-minute interview with Sara Roy. Many news stories were devoted breathlessly to the launch of a single North Korean missile across Japanese territory; the landing of 8000 rockets within Israel, killing civilians, did not rate being mentioned.
A rational alliance for freedom would include the NATO countries, Colombia, Israel, India, Australia, Taiwan, S. Korea and Japan. Taiwan’s new government is slowly turning the island into the “one nation, two systems” model. Britain’s sailors surrender without a fight. America’s president bends his knee to a foreign king, whose country is exporting jihadism and shari’a. Israel’s new prime minister begs for the participation in his government of those who would narrow the country to 9 miles wide.
The people of the West have been too well protected from the world’s harsh reality by an able military. Now, having chosen “hope over fear”, they are about to re-learn the lessons of history. In other words, tens of millions of people who died in the wars of the last century died in vain.
Dear Ms. Glick, I have been an admirer of yours for years – yashar koach.
As to alliances in Asia, all I can say is good luck. That would require rationality and an instinct for self-preservation to prevail, which they have failed to do in the West.
Hindu nationalists are ardent Zionists, admiring of even Kahane. They have learned from bitter experience the possibilities of co-existence with jihadism. However, the Congress party and the ghost of the appeaser Gandhi loom large over India.
As for Japan, I listen to NHK World Radio Japan daily. Within a one-month span, I heard stories about the Israeli “bombardment” of Gaza with no explanation of who began the war; an account of the Chas Freeman affair attributing his fall to “the Israel lobby” with no discussion of the Saudi lobby or the China lobby; and a 20-minute interview with Sara Roy. Many news stories were devoted breathlessly to the launch of a single North Korean missile across Japanese territory; the landing of 8000 rockets within Israel, killing civilians, did not rate being mentioned.
A rational alliance for freedom would include the NATO countries, Colombia, Israel, India, Australia, Taiwan, S. Korea and Japan. Taiwan’s new government is slowly turning the island into the “one nation, two systems” model. Britain’s sailors surrender without a fight. America’s president bends his knee to a foreign king, whose country is exporting jihadism and shari’a. Israel’s new prime minister begs for the participation in his government of those who would narrow the country to 9 miles wide.
The people of the West have been too well protected from the world’s harsh reality by an able military. Now, having chosen “hope over fear”, they are about to re-learn the lessons of history. In other words, tens of millions of people who died in the wars of the last century died in vain.
Wasn’t there a guy who descended from an airplane waving a piece of paper spouting some drivel like “peace in our time?”. History repeating itself? Would you buy a used car from BHO?
Seriously, Americans threaten Israel again, and its time for the Israeli Air Force to shoot up another US frigate. The fact is, the US is incapable of defeating Israel by conventional military means. I’d place a very nasty phone call to monkey-boy and his traveling hopey-changey roadshow: back off and let the adults smack Terhran into shape, or be considered a mortal enemy of Israel. And unlike the Iraqis, the Israelis can kill 150 000 US troops easy.
Damn, right now I don’t know if I can hate the US any more than I do. Angola, Kurds against Saddam, 1991, and now tossing the Jewish people under yet another Holocaust bus. America, you got it comin’ in spades, and this time I will not weep with you when you get hit BIG…
Dear Caroline My Precious Sister FOR ZION’S SAKE
FEAR NOT (PROVERBS 3:1-12) The LORD Our God Is
I Truly Wish I Could Disagree With Your Article
I Thank The LORD God Of ALL FLESH (Jeremiah 32:
Stay Strong Sis, Thy Servant And Brother Forever
More For ZION’S SAKE Timothy Kriete :):):)
In my previous message, I provided a list of nations that should be members of an Alliance for Freedom. I regret omitting the Philippines.
Thank you for your excellent commentary on this truly frightening state of affairs which has been precipitated by the new, also “unelected,” self proclaimed Ruler of the U.S. Millions of Americans have witnessed these events with great trepidation if not downright outrage. It is only through getting the word out, circumventing and stepping over the somnolent bodies of American main stream media that we can hope to save ourselves and our relationship with the people of the world.
BO isnt even an American born citizen. So if all goes well us concerned patriotic Constitution loving people will have his sorry Muslim ass put out on his ass right into a prison cell or back to that wonderful country Kenya. He has no allegiance to the US and is an internationalist stooge funded by anti-American fools. He likes to think of himself as a man of the world and we all know what James 4:4 says about that. Peace and praise be to YHWH!!! Thanks Caroline.
Be assured bcf what this 5th column in America is doing is not the will of the American people we Love Israel you are our brothers but unfortunately the uneducated , underprivilaged masses that suck our country dry and use organizations such as the ACLU to justify their destructive behavior have allowed this JOKE to lead them and to hell they will go. The time is coming for the American people to stand up and take back our beloved country. Those assholes in Europe have so easily forgotten their own history how if not for our country their sorry asses wouldnt even exist. Peace and strength throught the creator YHWH.
Herbert W. Armstrong was right regarding those superpowers before WWIII strikes: Iran is King of the South forming alliance with radical Islam; Germany is King of the North being the leader of EU power; and China and Russia being the leader of the asian alliance as the Kings of the East which will create the 200 million man army. It is not strange at all that Israel, the US and all anglo-saxon’s nations is omitted as an existing power at that particular time in biblical prophecy when this clash of civilization occurs(they are written as receiving a death blow from modern day Assyria), biblical prophecy greatly foretold that before WWIII happens all of them have already fallen and relegated to way below third world status (Anglo-saxons biblical names are Joseph or Ephraim and Manasseh or Jacob the Father of Joseph or just plain Israel while the nation of Israel today is called Judah in prophecy – the Father of the Jews)and will be taken again in captivity to Europe. Please go to the website and see how it was revealed for almost 80 years ago making this a living proof that God rules in the realms of man and God’s people have a “more sure words of prophecy” (2 Peter 1:19). The last hour “new truth” (2 Peter 1:12) was revealed on May 5, 2001 four months before 911, how much time we have left before the Times of the Gentiles arrives, the Time of Israel (Judah, Joseph, Jacob, Manasseh (US) and Ephraim (UK and Commonwealth)is just about over. National repentance is just too late (they have cross the “point of no return” (Amos 7:8; 8:2) but individual repentance and protection is still possible.
It’s just amazing how this new favorite angle of focused republican criticism for any views but their own fails to acknowledge the damage done to America’s power over the past 8 years. George W. Bush did more to damage the power of America over the past 8 years by being a belligerent fool than Obama could ever dream of doing by being a human being with the capacity for empathy. Sorry but your arguments are empty without this acknowledgement.
If anyone out there could possibly get ahold of any documents on BO such as a real birth certificate, passport, academic records or financial aid records you would be doing the US a great favor. He is the product of a liberal, internationalist war room funded by plankton such as George the self hating Jew Soros. His job is to destroy the Constitution and enslave the world. He would love to disarm the American people because an armed people are very difficult to contend with. Frankly I dont really think the US military is all that loyal to this 5th column. Bottom line is we dont need to commit any sort of violence we simply need to put our faith in the Creator and the document which he divinely inspired the founders of the US to write.
I thought it couldn’t get any worse after sixteen years of Clinton and Bush, but Obama is worse. This is looking to be an epic disaster in the making. Only a dogmatic partisan can blind themselves to obvious facts.
To bow to a king, very UNAMERICAN, but as an American Jew…ArHHHh
As Jews G-d has instructed us to bow to NO MAN, so down in my neck of the woods we are offended and angry on so many levels. Every day he makes the world a more dangerous place.