NY subway ads calling for ending US aid to Israel?

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anti-Israel NY subway ad.jpg

According to JTA (hat tip Arve in Norway) this ad is set to be posted in 18 NY subway stations in Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx and Brooklyn starting later this month. Seems to me that New Yorkers who support Israel should be able to speak to the City of New York, the Metropolitan Transit Authority and the New York Transit Authority who all have a hand in running the New York subway and have the campaign cancelled. My friend, the indefatigable Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs was able to get similar anti-Israel campaigns blocked in places like Seattle and has shown that cancelling anti-Israel propaganda campaigns is eminently doable. 
Happy hunting!
Oh, and if you’re wondering who is now launching a desperate 11th hour bid to keep the NY-9 Congressional seat loyal to Obama, read this New York Post editorial.


UPDATE: Here’s an email I received from Morris Massel with information on how to cancel the ad campaign:


anti-Israel group,
 www.twopeoplesonefuture.org, has just placed the attached
ad calling for the end of aid to Israel in 18 subways stations in NYC.
 They claim to target Israel only because “Israel is the strong
party, Israel is the Occupying Power and Israel is the only party that can actually
end the Occupation and pave the way for a just peace.”  IT IS NOT
example, certain of the
 sponsors of this ad campaign actively support Israel
boycotts and general Arab solidarity.  This is not about promoting peace;
it is about attacking Israel.


How can
you help?  


1. The
ad placement is handled by CBS Outdoor.  Please send an email to[email protected]
 to register your concern about
this ad campaign.


2. Email the Mayor.  http://www.nyc.gov/portal/site/nycgov/menuitem.bd08ee7c7c1ffec87c4b36d501c789a0/index.jsp?doc_name=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nyc.gov%2Fhtml%2Fmail%2Fhtml%2Fmayor.html


 Call the MTA
 at 212-878-7000 and, in response to the prompts, press 1, 3, *
and then either 2 for the press office and/or 4 for corporate affairs.
 Leave a message.  You can also email them at http://mta-nyc.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/mta_nyc.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php


4. GET THE WORD OUT.  Forward this email to
your friends and family.  If we do not act to protect Israel, no one will.



your ease, a draft email is below:

I have
just learned of the anti-Israel ad campaign that has been launched in 18 NYC
subway stations by
 twopeoplesonefuture.org. I am contacting you
to express my strong disapproval with this ad campaign.  The campaign is
supported by the anti-Israel lobby, whose agenda is not peace but the
destruction of the State of Israel.  Second, it unfairly penalizes Israel
for defending itself.  New York City should not allow these types of ads
to be run in our Transit System.


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