New Labor Leader’s Statement on ‘No to Dismantling Settlements’ Shows American Jewry Against Majority of Israeli Electorate

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Israeli Labor leader Avi Gabai’s statement that he will not uproot any settlements in a peace deal, was Yitzchak Rabin’s position too, as well as Ehud Barak’s in 1999. I believed Yitzchak Rabin and voted for him in 1992 but then I wouldn’t fall for it in 1999 with Barak, even though a lot of people did, and they kept falling for it on the left, with Olmert and Kadima etc. Maybe he is going against the Yesh Atid party and positioning himself more to the center. What Gabai makes clear is that the American Jewish community, which says it is pro-Israel but just disagrees with Netanyahu’s and the Likud’s positions, holds a position that is actually not supported by the Israeli left either.

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