One of the most stunning phenomena to have arisen in recent years is the one to one parallel between the politicization and corruption of the legal fraternity in Israel, including the Attorney General, the state prosecution and the court system, and the politicization and corruption of the FBI and the Department of Justice in the United States. In both cases, these top law enforcement arms that are the basis of the rule of law in both countries have been transformed into weapons used by progressives against conservatives. The role the media have played in both countries as full partners in an effort to use lawfare to seize and hold political power is also identical.
In this week’s episode of the Mideast New Hour, and against the backdrop of the FBI raid on former president Donald Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago, I sat down with my friend and colleague Prof. Avi Bell from Bar Ilan University and University of San Diego law schools.
Avi and I discussed the recent revelations by Attorney Moshe Saada, who until recently served as the deputy head of the Police Investigations Department in the state prosecution. Saada’s unit is the Israeli version of Internal Affairs in U.S. police forces. He gave a series of interviews in recent weeks exposing how his unit was corrupted to induce the police to fully cooperate with then state prosecutor Shai Nitzan’s campaign to indict Netanyahu on fake charges to force him from office.
We also discussed the developments in Netanyahu’s trial. To date every prosecution witness has undermined the prosecution’s case against Netanyahu.
Join us for a vital conversation. The only way to preserve our ways of life is to preserve the rule of law. And the only way to do that, is to defeat the politicized attorneys who have seized the power of the voters and elected officials.
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