Today, on Israel’s 73th Independence Day, I am happy to launch my new webcast/podcast The Caroline Glick Show with Gadi Taub.
Every week, my colleague and friend, historian Gadi Taub, one of Israel’s top public intellectuals will meet online to discuss the top issues of the day in relation to Israel, the Middle East and the wider world. If the events of the day can be likened to tips of icebergs, in our discussions, we will try to expose as much of the icebergs themselves as possible. Only by seeing and understanding the context in which events take place can we understand them fully.
In our first show, we discuss the assault on Iran’s unranium enrichment facility at Natanz last weekend which has been widely attributed to Israel. We take a deep dive into the ideas guiding the various actors on the ground as well as the last three U.S. administrations in contending with Iran’s nuclear program.
We conclude the program by considering briefly some the threats to Israel’s sovereignty and the immensity of Israel’s achievements since David Ben Gurion declared the independent State of Israel 73 years ago today.
I am posting here the YouTube video of the show and providing links as well to the podcast and Rumble webcast. I ask that you subscribe to our channel so you can receive our shows directly. I will continue as well to send the recordings of the show to my mailing list and urge all who haven’t yet subscribed to do so.
I wish you an enjoyable viewing/listening experience. I hope you will join us in this adventure as we move forward and be sure to spread the news of our show and share it with your friends. Together we can bend the discourse back towards reality.
חג עצמאות שמח!
Happy Independence Day!
Here is the YouTube
Here is the Rumble
And here is the link for the podcast channel.