I’m baaaack

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Hello to all my blogosphere friends. I am sorry that I wasn't able to write this past week. I was in Washington meeting with all sorts of interesting people on Capitol Hill and elsewhere. But now I am back.

Thanks for all your emails wondering where I was. I am sorry I didn't think to post that I was taking a week off from my writing duties.


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  • Rhonda 04/28/2009 at 2:09

    Glad to have you back. Keep up the great commentary, one of the few sources of info here in the USA.

  • Carlos Rojas 04/28/2009 at 9:27

    welcome back

  • William Miller 04/29/2009 at 13:33

    Hi Caroline,
    You are one of my favorite writers, and I dearly love your work.
    I’ve heard you on the John Loftus program before (http://www.microwavedisplay.com/talk_radio.htm) and it was just great to hear you.
    What would be nice is if you might consider a podcast.
    Just a simple download bi-weekly with you reading your column to us.
    That would warm our hearts so much.
    Please consider it…

  • Larry Shepherd 05/06/2009 at 19:35

    Hey Caroline, I just found your website today and agree with William Miller, that a podcast wold be wonderful for us. When you get a chance to do it, that is. Love to you and live forever.


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