I returned this week from a month-long visit to the States. Among the trip’s highlights was a visit to Aspen, Colorado in mid-July. There I spoke at the Aspen Counterpoint and Conscience Conference where I appeared with former CIA Director Jim Woolsey, former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton, the Jerusalem Post’s Palestinian Affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh, the President of Americans for Peace and Tolerance Charles Jacobs and author and women’s rights activist Phyllis Chesler who joined us by satellite.
Nina Zale, an Aspen-based documentary filmmaker sent me some pictures she took at the conference. Here’s a couple.

The day before the conference, I appeared on a local Aspen cable show called The Jerry Bovino Show. It’s an hour long broadcast. I’ve asked David Reaboi from the Center for Security Policy check out if there’s a way to upload it to YouTube. Until he works out — and he’s pretty good at this stuff — here’s the link to the show.
Here’s the YouTube version of the TV show. Thanks Dave!
After Aspen I spoke in San Diego for Friends of the IDF and in LA at an event co-sponsored by Children of Holocaust Survivors and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. I know that Scott Jacobs from DemoCast was on hand in LA and videotaping my lecture but I haven’t seen it up yet. If he posts the speech on YouTube, I’ll post it here.
Later in the month I was in Baltimore where I spoke at Shalom Radio’s annual dinner. Dave from the CSP came out and videotaped the whole thing. I talked about Iran, so it is a little hair-raising.
Here’s the whole thing on YouTube.
From there I went on to Washington and New York, and Chicago. While I was in Chicago, I did a radio interview with Roger Aronoff from AIM radio.
Here’s a link to the podcast and full transcript.
And now, after all that I am happily back home in Israel.
Thank you for sharing the photos and video. As always your thoughts are cogent and straight from the heart. We need people like you in the Israeli government.
As a non Jew, I watched your presentation and it send shivers
down my spine, I am horrified at the prospects of the bleak future you predict, and yet I cannot fault you on one point. Israel is indeed on the forefront of war against barbarism … I fear it may also be our last defence.
Thank you once again for your lucidity, and for telling it like it is.
If I may, I would only like to add that our enemies have cunningly managed to embed themselves under the “leftist umbrella”, but they are anything but!
They couldn’t care less about social justice and human rights, and I believe we should emphasize and denounce this.
They have learned all their propaganda tactics from none other than Goebbels, and they know how to apply them whenever they can get hold of gullible and clueless audiences.
Here’s another video from Aspen also featuring Caroline Glick. While watching it, it occurred to me, that Caroline was talking about the Jante Law. It’s ,I’m ashamed to say, is a Danish invention but a world wide phenomenon.
1. The Jante Law: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jante_Law
2. Interview from the Jerry Bovino Show youtubed yesterday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5jMnOzR_dQ
I’ll comment on the video clips later but, in the meantime, welcome home.
Thank G-d there are still some Israelis like you who haven’t lost their minds, maybe there’s still some hope for us.
It’s an interesting video – thank you very much. But may I beg for one point. If someone in the audience asks for something, can you repeat the question? The reason is very simple. For someone who does not speek English as first language and who has only a simple and small audio technique on his computer it ist difficult to understand the question.
I listened to your remarks about a nuclear Iran with great interest. I’d like to make two points
First, thank you for stating an absolutely ignored historical fact about the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan, namely, that it is the invention of Britain – an anachronism of the self-indulgences of what used to constitute the ‘British Empire’. It’s not Israel that must up and leave; that burden belongs to King Abdullah.
Secondly, considering the death and destruction wrought by the US military forces during the Second World War against Germany and Japan with the use of saturation incendiary bombing campaigns against the major population centers of both those countries, Israel doesn’t have to worry about an Iranian nuclear weapons capability. A preemptive strike by Israel against Iran’s nuclear weapons stash will provide Iran with a justification to retaliate against Israel using convention-grade missiles, and considering Israel’s minute size, Iran could probably render Israel non-functional with such a missile strike.