Browsing Category : Articles

Standing up to elitist mobs

  US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley’s sudden resignation this week distressed a lot of Israelis. On the face of things, the widely felt concern makes little sense. After all, Haley wasn’t a lone wolf in the Trump administration. Then-president Barack Obama’s anti-Israel UN ambassadors Susan Rice and Samantha Power weren’t free agents when they took hostile actions…

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Gaza fuel deal cuts out the Palestinian Authority

This week, an event occurred that has the potential to diminish permanently the lethal potential of the Palestinian conflict with Israel. On Tuesday, two tanker trucks each carrying 35,000 liters of diesel fuel were delivered to Gaza through Israel’s Kerem Shalom border crossing. Another seven fuel trucks were expected to enter Gaza on Wednesday. According to the Jerusalem Post, within a month, 15…

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Russia raises the stakes in Syria

Russia’s sudden deployment of S-300 surface-to-air missiles in Syria last week raised the stakes in Syria significantly for the U.S. and Israel. While it is easy to conclude things have become far more dangerous, the fact is that there are certain important aspects of the situation on the ground that we just don’t know. Before we consider what we don’t…

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Jewish Federations, we need to talk

  At the end of the month, the Jewish Federations of North America will hold their annual General Assembly in Israel. And while the Federations’ decision to hold their annual conference in Israel rather than America seems at face value to be a statement of solidarity with Israel, in this case, it isn’t. Five months after US President Donald Trump…

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Trump’s speech at UN restored US global leadership

In the tumult of the circus surrounding Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, little attention was paid to President Donald Trump’s speech last week before the United Nations. This is a shame, because his address last week was arguably the most significant foreign policy address any U.S. president has delivered since the end of the Cold War. Many of Trump’s critics insist his view…

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Bar Abbas from entering US

The U.S. government should bar Palestinian Authority Chairman and Palestine Liberation Organization leader Mahmoud Abbas from entering the United States on Wednesday for the opening of the United Nations. In the days that have passed since Queens, New York, native and dual U.S.-Israeli citizen Ari Fuld was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist, we have learned several things about how his murder came…

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How Israel defeated the PLO

The so-called “Oslo process,” is really two processes. The first was the Oslo peace process. It began with secret negotiations between Israeli leftists with ties to then-foreign minister Shimon Peres in Oslo, Norway, in 1993. It led to Israel’s recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the establishment of the PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority to run the Palestinian autonomy in Judea,…

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Exclusive interview with the Moroccan FM — We support Trump’s Iran policy

Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita told Breitbart News last Wednesday that the Kingdom of Morocco supports the Trump administration’s policies towards Iran. Comparing the Trump administration favorably to its predecessor, Bourita said, “We have an opportunity with this administration. We need to make things happen. We have an opportunity also because they are clear in their position about Iran.” The…

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Ari Fuld, a Fighter for Israel in Life and in Death

Ari Fuld, who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist Sunday outside of a supermarket in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem, was the sort of person you could always count on to put his own interests on hold to help Israel. His passion for Israel and its defense permeated everything he did. Fuld, the New York native, U.S. citizen, and 45-year…

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Trump Ends the Palestinian Exception

When Rosh Hashanah ended on Tuesday evening, Jews discovered that over the holiday, the Trump administration had enacted two policies – one foreign and one domestic – that on their face, don’t appear to be connected. But actually, they stem from the same rationale. And both together and separately, these two policies give Jews much to be thankful for. First,…

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