Browsing Category : Articles

Israel’s flailing democracy

  US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement Tuesday that she is opening an official impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump struck many Israelis as yet another sign that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump are in the same boat. Both are hounded by legal elites who will stop at nothing to oust them from office. There are parallels between the…

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The straetgic cost of Israel’s political instability

When Israel Beitenu  party chairman Avigdor Liberman abruptly resigned his position as Defense Minister last November and started the countdown to the Knesset elections in April, he plunged Israel into a state of political instability. Following the April elections, by refusing to serve in a government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and so forcing Israel into a second election,…

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A note on Tuesday’s elections

The US media coverage of the Israeli election has misrepresented the results of Tuesday’s vote. This isn’t necessarily deliberate. Israeli elections are inscrutable for most foreigners, particularly for Americans who are used to the clarity of the presidential system and two-party system. Here are a few of basic facts about how the vote has gone, and where Israel is likely…

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Israel and John Bolton’s departure

  US National Security Advisor John Bolton’s departure from the White House has been the source of considerable concern in Israel. For decades, the veteran diplomat and former UN ambassador has been among the most powerful supporters of a strong US-Israel alliance in Washington. During his tenure as President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor, Bolton worked steadily on expanding US-Israel…

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Strengthening the US-Israel alliance

Should Israel and the US sign a mutual defense treaty? Every few years, this question is raised. And every few years, it is set aside. In 2000 then prime minister Ehud Barak made signing a mutual defense treaty with the US a central component of his national security strategy. That year, as Barak sought to sell the public his plan…

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Associated Press is targeting pro-Israel Jews

Last week, the Associated Press ran a hit job on a successful American businessman. Simon Falic and his two brothers own the Duty Free Americas chain, a private company that runs duty free stores in airports throughout the United States and Latin America. They also happen to be Jewish. Simon Falic in particular is a powerful advocate for Jewish causes worldwide and…

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John Bolton: U.S. may cancel Iran’s remaining sanctions waivers

U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton told Breitbart News this week that President Donald Trump is considering canceling the remaining sanctions waivers Iran enjoys, in response to its enrichment of uranium past the allowed level. On Wednesday morning, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced that Iran was disregarding the limitations on uranium enrichment that were placed on its nuclear program by the 2015…

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The Palestinian Authority wants its people to suffer

The Palestinian leadership didn’t boycott the Trump administration’s economic meeting in Bahrain last week because it denied them a future political horizon. They oppose the Trump Prosperity to Peace plan because it gives them an open road to success. The footage of the administration’s workshop last week on developing the Palestinian economy made for surrealistic viewing. Sitting in Manama, Bahrain, were representatives…

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Morsi’s death reminds us of the bullet we dodged

Reports of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s sudden death on June 17 in a Cairo courtroom where he was being tried for espionage for the Hamas terror group centered around his poor prison conditions. The former Egyptian president and Muslim Brotherhood leader, who was deposed by the Egyptian military in July 2013, had been jailed since shortly after his removal from…

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David Friedman exposes Obama’s hatred for Israel

Israel’s elections do-over has pushed back President Donald Trump’s planned roll out of his “deal of the century,” which will set out his administration’s plan for achieving peace between Israel and the Palestinians. But all the same, members of his “peace team” are making headlines. In an interview with the New York Times published on June 8, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman spoke in broad…

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