Browsing Category : Articles

The Real Netanyahu (and Trump) Dilemma

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee’s decision to award the prize to the World Food Program this year assuaged the fears of elitists from New York to Paris and Berlin. The Abraham Accords, which include bilateral peace treaties between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and most recently Sudan, and Israel have fundamentally changed the Middle East. They have upended fifty years of…

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Why the Uproar About Selling F-35s to the UAE?

Israel has reason to be concerned about the US’s plan to sell F-35 stealth fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates. Although the UAE is an enthusiastic ally and peace partner to Israel today, who knows what tomorrow will bring? NATO member Turkey was one of Israel’s closest strategic allies until President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan began seizing dictatorial powers and…

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Fighting the New Commissars

The time for a reckoning with the social media giants has arrived, and not only in the United States. Earlier this week, Shibbolet Library, a new Israeli book publisher that specializes in conservative authors launched a sales campaign on Facebook. The company invested approximately a hundred thousand shekels ($34,000) on Facebook ads to promote its book sales. Then suddenly, its…

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The foreign policy debate Americans should hear

With Big Tech openly censoring the New York Post to shield Democratic presidential nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden from public scrutiny, and with the media lining up to attack journalists who report stories that reflect poorly on Biden’s public service while Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) drones on dementedly about Russian election interference in reference to a hard drive Hunter Biden abandoned at a computer repair store…

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American Jewry’s Fateful Hour

Almost all the polls say that President Donald Trump is heading towards defeat at the hands of his Democrat challenger, former vice president Joe Biden next month. But Robert Cahaly who heads the Trafalgar Group polling firm disagrees. Cahaly was the only major pollster that accurately called the 2016 presidential race. In an interview with “The Political Trade” podcast last…

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A magic carpet ride over the anti-Netanyahu protests

The Israeli Left likes to claim its no-holds-barred fight against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his supporters is an ideological struggle that pits the forces of democracy and old-time Zionism against the forces of tyranny and tribalism. Events of recent weeks tell the opposite tale. In 2008, then-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin leaped onto the world stage following then-Republican presidential nominee…

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Who will deal with Turkey?

For the past several months, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has busily dispelled any residual doubts about his hostility toward the U.S. and its allies in NATO and the Middle East. He has accomplished this in multiple ways. Erdogan purchased Russia’s S-400 surface-to-air missile system and, in a swipe at the U.S. and NATO, announced his intention to test the system next…

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Democrats and the Politics of Projection

The set-up at the Presidential debate Tuesday night was so predictable that it hurt to watch. Moderator Chris Wallace made no effort to hide where he was going. He noted that President Donald Trump had repeatedly demanded that his opponent, Democratic nominee and former vice president Joe Biden condemn Antifa, the violent leftist group behind much of the ongoing destruction…

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Israel’s Cautionary Tale for Risk-Averse Republicans

The battle over the vacancy on the Supreme Court created by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death drives home the extent to which judicial politics have become polarized, ugly and disruptive. Some Republicans fighting for re-election in purple states, like Maine Senator Susan Collins, want to leave the seat vacant until after the November 3 elections. President Donald Trump and Senate…

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Time to Hold the PLO Accountable for its Crimes

Earlier this month, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government announced that PLO Executive Committee Chairman Saeb Erekat has been hired as a senior fellow for the school’s Future of Diplomacy Project for the 2020-2021 school year. This week, former senior Justice Department official, attorney Neal Sher sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General William Barr and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad…

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