Browsing Category : Articles

Bennett, Sa’ar and Israel’s Legal Tyranny

In a week and a half, Israel’s polling stations will open and Israelis will elect their representatives to the Knesset for the fourth time in two years. As was the case in the last three elections, the upcoming elections revolve around one issue – Israel’s legal fraternity. All aspects of public life in Israel today are dictated by the attorney…

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Biden Abandons Middle East Peace

The Trump administration was on the verge of securing a peace agreement between Israel and Indonesia in its final weeks in office, according to a former senior Trump administration official involved in the efforts. The official divulged that the negotiations between Israel and the world’s most populous Muslim state were run by then-President Donald Trump’s senior adviser Jared Kushner and…

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The Khashoggi Passion Play

The Biden administration’s decision to publish the intelligence report on Jamal Khashoggi’s death in late 2018 was as predictable as it was destructive to U.S. national security and to the security and stability of the Middle East. It was predictable for two reasons. First, this is Obama’s third term. And in Obama’s first term he played a central role in…

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“Facebook and Twitter? Boycott Them. There are Other Sites”

Mark Levin, the Jewish American talk radio host and former Reagan administration official makes no effort to hide what he thinks. Indeed, what his three-hour radio show’s 14 million regular listeners and his millions more viewers on Fox News who watch his top-rated show every Sunday love most about Levin is that he gives them the unvarnished truth as he…

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Netanyahu and Israel’s NeverNetanyahu Right

Next month, Israelis will go to the polls to elect a new 120-seat Knesset. It will be Israel’s fourth general election in just under two years—an all-time record. To form a governing coalition, one member of Knesset—generally the head of the largest party—needs to form a coalition from several parties in the Knesset that together control at least 61 legislative…

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One Week in Progressive America

The Democrats had a lousy week. It began with former President Donald Trump’s acquittal in the Senate. Trump’s acquittal was a major blow to the Democrats. It isn’t that anyone believed Trump would be convicted. Whether Republicans love or hate the former president, the fact is that it is unconstitutional to hold an impeachment trial for a former officeholder. And…

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Navigating Israel’s Ship of State through the Biden Storm

In a media briefing Friday, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki refused to say whether the Biden administration views Israel as an ally. Psaki’s behavior was easy to understand. Although Israel is America’s strongest and most reliable ally in the Middle East, Israel cannot follow where the Biden administration is now leading. President Joe Biden’s policy steps and foreign policy appointments…

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The ICC’s European Puppet Masters

Last Saturday, the justices of the International Criminal Court (ICC) took a major swipe at the Jewish state. They ruled that the ICC prosecutor is permitted to open a formal investigation of Israel for fake war crimes. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the decision referring to it as “pure anti-Semitism.” Netanyahu added, “This court was founded to prevent atrocities like the Nazi…

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Biden Plays Softball With Iran

In his interview with CBS‘s Nora O’Donnell on Sunday, President Joe Biden gave the impression that he is playing hardball with Iran. But Iran is openly breaching the limitations on its nuclear activities that it agreed to under the 2015 nuclear deal it concluded with the Obama administration and its European partners. Hours before Biden’s interview with CBS, Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said…

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Biden’s Drive to War in the Middle East

On Monday, Iran tested a new rocket. The Zuljanah rocket is a 25-meter (82-foot) three-stage rocket with a solid fuel engine for its first two stages and a liquid fuel rocket for its third stage. It can carry a 225 kg (496-pound) payload. The Zuljanah’s thrust is 75 kilotons, which is far more than required to launch satellite into orbit. The…

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