Browsing Category : Articles

Washington’s Betrayal Has Only Just Begun

Tuesday the Washington Examiner reported that Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, )IRGC( officers are actively plotting to murder former U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton. According to the report, late last year, Bolton joined former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as a former senior official who receives Secret Service protection due to “continuing, credible and specific” threats on their lives emanating…

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Biden Shatters Israel’s Delusions

For decades, senior Israeli defense officials beat a path to the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA and the National Security Council with briefcases full of documents providing conclusive proof that Iran’s nuclear program is a military program and that its purpose is to transform the Islamic Republic of Iran into a nuclear-armed state. The officers arrived in Washington convinced that the smoking…

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Russia, the Virtue-Signalling West, and Israel

On Wednesday evening, Israeli journalist Ron Ben-Yishai reported from Kyiv that the memorial site at Babi Yar is unharmed. For a full news cycle Tuesday, Ukraine’s leadership from President Volodymyr Zelenskyyy down a report of an alleged Russian bombing of the site where Ukrainian and Nazi forces massacred 33,000 Jews in two days in September 1941 as a means to…

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Biden’s “Victory” Against Putin

Several commentators have argued in recent days that the crisis between Russia and Ukraine has been a godsend for President Joe Biden ahead of the midterm elections in November. The argument is fairly straightforward. With tough talk and without endangering any U.S. forces, Biden is managing to block Russian President Vladimir Putin from carrying through on his plan to invade…

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The Ayatollahs’ Men in Washington

Former Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif recently co-authored a book in Farsi about the 2015 nuclear deal that tells us a great deal about how we should be assessing the nuclear negotiations taking place in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1 (the U.S., Russia, China, France, Germany and France). Titled, The Nuclear Deal: The Untold Story of the JCPOA, Projecting…

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Israel’s Deep State is Exposed

On Sunday morning, Israelis awoke to the headline in Calcalist, an business newspaper, reporting that the legal fraternity used counterterror spyware to remotely seize the contents of the cellphones of 26 Israelis, including then prime minister’s son, his closest advisors, journalists, businessmen, several mayors, senior government officials, and others. The story was an earthquake of epic proportions and the police,…

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Amnesty’s Conspiracy Theory Puts Biden and Progressive Jews in a Bind

On February 1, Amnesty International published a conspiracy theory about Jews. Amnesty’s 280-page diatribe entitled, “Israel’s Apartheid Against the Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity,” alleges that the only liberal democracy in the Middle East and the only Jewish state in the world is a criminal enterprise and has been since its formation in 1948. According to…

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The Anti-Defamation League and Amnesty International

One of the curiouser responses to Amnesty International’s Israel Apartheid report this week came from the Anti-Defamation League. Monday, the heads of Amnesty held a press conference in Israel’s capital Jerusalem. In it they presented the main “findings” of the “investigation” they conducted regarding the status of Israel’s existence. It works out that after years of “careful study,” Amnesty’s entirely…

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Ukraine and the American Crack-Up

From Washington to Berlin to Warsaw to Kyiv, everyone says that only Russian President Vladimir Putin knows what he plans to do with the 120,000 troops he has deployed to the Ukrainian border. But at this point, even if Putin decides not to invade, even if he withdraws all of his forces from the border zone he has already won…

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Colleyville and the “Professional” Civil Servants

 Last Saturday morning, an armed Islamic terrorist named Malik Faisal Akram entered Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas and took the rabbi and three congregants hostage. Eleven hours later, after the hostages freed themselves and FBI officers entered the synagogue and either killed Akram or watched him kill himself, the episode ended. Matt De Sarno, the FBI agent in charge at the…

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