Browsing Category : Articles

Israel’s Devastating Capitulation to Hezbollah

It is almost impossible to grasp the danger of Israel’s present moment. A month before the Knesset elections, the caretaker government led by Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz is moving full speed ahead with a maritime agreement with an enemy state that it insists will obligate Israel in perpetuity. The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) agreement Israel…

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How Benny Gantz Killed Palestinian-Israeli Peace

In an interview with Maariv last week, former Israeli Air Force commander Amir Eshel made several startling admissions about the role he and other IDF generals played in scuttling former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s most significant strategic policies. His most startling admissions related to former U.S. president Donald Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. In 2019, then-Israeli opposition leader Benny Gantz appointed Eshel to…

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Israel’s Choice: Independence or Appeasement

Caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid and his supporters in the media went berserk Tuesday after Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu spoke out against the gas deal the Biden administration is mediating between Israel and Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon. Since Hezbollah launched two drones against Israel’s Karish gas platform in July, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has repeatedly threatened to blow up Karish if Israel…

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Seemingly apropos of nothing, on September 19 the Amsterdam-based online travel giant announced that it intends to place warning labels on lodgings owned by Jews in Judea and Samaria (i.e., the West Bank). According to the company’s press release, a statement will be placed next to listings in Israeli communities in those areas saying, “A visit to this area may be…

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For Israel to be safe it must bury the Oslo delusion

The Deputy Commander of the IDF’s Nahal Reconnaissance Unit, Maj. Bar Falah, was killed Tuesday night when two Palestinian terrorists, one an officer in the U.S.-funded and trained Palestinian Authority security services, opened fire on Falah and his soldiers. Falah’s soldiers returned fire and killed the two men. Falah’s tragic death must precipitate a national reckoning with hard but obvious…

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Abu Akleh and Biden’s Pro-Iran Realignment

For four months, no one could explain the Biden administration’s seeming obsession with forcing Israel to accept responsibility for the death of Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh on May 11. Abu Akleh was killed in Jenin during a gun battle between Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists, with whom she was embedded, and IDF forces. The battle occurred in the aftermath of…

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Israel’s Democracy is Up For Election

Imagine if a former close associate of the U.S. Treasury secretary filed a complaint with the FBI alleging the secretary offered him a large sum of money to murder a police commissioner, but the FBI ignored complaints and instead refused to investigate the allegation? This is precisely what just happened in Israel. On August 31, Yossi Kamisa, a former associate of Israeli…

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Israel’s Rational and Irrational Iran Policies

As news came out last week that the U.S. and Iran are on the verge of concluding a new nuclear deal, Israelis were given two very different interpretations of events. Caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz, along with their media flacks responded by insisting that although the deal is bad, Lapid and Gantz are handling it…

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Biden Ushers in an Era of Nuclear Chaos and War

The Biden administration is on the verge of closing its long-sought for nuclear agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Europeans distributed a “final draft” of an agreement to the Americans and the Iranians last week. While the text was billed as a “take it or leave it” offer, neither the Europeans nor the Americans walked away after Iran…

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The strategic blindness of Israel’s caretaker government

Operation Breaking Dawn was a textbook illustration of Israel’s tactical brilliance and prowess on the one hand, and strategic blindness on the other. Tactically, Israel’s Iron Dome system allows its civilians to remain almost entirely unharmed while terror armies pummel Israel’s cities and villages with missiles and rockets. So too, Israel has developed precision guided weapons, and operational intelligence capabilities…

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