After 200 episodes, the Tribal Update, Latma’s flagship satirical newscast is coming to a close. We were supposed to be broadcast on Israel TV’s Channel 1 as the station’s prime time satire show. We were approved by all the professional committees not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 times over the past two years. Time after time, they told us they were about to send us the contract. We even sat down and negotiated a contract with them a year ago, but then, each time, they put us on hold. In this fourth iteration of this farce, we have been waiting to receive a contract since Shavuot. Maybe one will arrive in the mail. Maybe it got lost in the mail. Or maybe our assessment at the outset, that the Left’s control over the Israeli media is so enormous that leftist commissars are willing to break their own rules to keep a satirical voice of Zionism off the air was spot on, and they will continue leading us by the nose and pretending they are a meritorcracy and don’t discriminate against Zionists for the next generation.
At any rate, we have reached the end of our financial rope. Over the past year, believing the stories we were told by the powers that be on Channel 1 that we would be moving to the small screen almost immediately, we built up the production capabilities of a top line prime time television show. And the costs, for a donation based project are just too high. So we’re ending our run.
In the coming months, we will be reorganizing, downsizing and developing a new operational model based on grassroots donations and contract productions to make ourselves as self-supporting as possible.
Our Hebrew language website, will continue to produce new materials. And we will be reconfiguring it to suit our new aims and capabilities.
The last two episodes of the Tribal Update, this week’s and next week’s are a celebration of our accomplishments over the past four years, and a celebration of the values of Zionism that motivate all of our endeavors.
Thank you all so very much for your support for our work. Over the past four years we have proven that the truly cool people in Israel and throughout the world are the Zionists. The most creative, exciting and happening people are the Zionists. It has been an great adventure, and more will follow.
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