A tribute to Israeli fine arts and film

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This week’s Tribal Update, the television-on-Internet news satire show produced every week by Latma was produced before the terror assault on southern Israel yesterday. Latma of course is the Hebrew-language satirical media criticism website that I run.


This week’s show presents Tawil Fadiha, the Palestinian Minister of Uncontrollable Rage discussing the Palestinians’ hopes for post-September relations with Israel.


We also bring an in depth look at Israeli fine arts and prize winning Israeli films.


Enjoy the show!




Latma is funded through contributions to the Center for Security Policy in Washington. If you are in the United States and would like to support our efforts, you can contribute by clicking here. It takes you to the online contribution page for the Center for Security Policy through Network for Good. To earmark your donation to Latma, please write “Latma” in the box marked “designation.”


If you live outside the US, we formed a non-profit organization in Israel to accept donations from outside the US called the Zionist Incubator. 


Here is the information you need to make wire contributions to the Zionist Incubator for Latma.



Second, here is the information you need to wire contributions to the Zionist Incubator for Latma.
Bank Name: Israel Discount Bank Ltd.
Branch Number: 510
Branch Name: Mevasseret Zion
Account Number (IBAN 23 digits): IL94-0115-1000-0010-4351-154
Beneficiary’s Name: Zionist Incubator

Beneficiary’s address: POB 841 Mevasseret Zion, Israel 90805 

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