This week’s Tribal Update from my Hebrew-language satire website Latma celebrates Passover and exposes how Peace Now has stayed alive all these years even though every single one of its claims has been proved wrong again and again. We also discuss the happy discovery of a lost tribe of Jews in Burkina Faso.
I hope you enjoy the show and spread it far and wide.
It looked like the Presidential Advisor was from the lost tribe of UC Berkley.
your Latma videos are looking more and more like anti-left vindictive than ture satirre–why have you not poked fun at the rabbis, the religious, the right? you are becoming predictable–The Onion, Monty Python, the Capital Steps—they let everybody have it–left and right. are you simply letting your predictable audience feel good about itself?
I’m never sure what to expect, but I’m never disappointed. Thank you so much Caroline for putting things in their proper perspective. Chag sameach.