Monthly Archives : May 2024

Biden abandons American Jews

Biden’s halt on offensive weapons to Israel is of course a betrayal of Israel. But it is also a betrayal of American Jews. By standing with Hamas against Israel, Biden is telling the anti-Semitic rioters on campuses to keep up their assaults on Jews. I have details and updates on the state of the war in Gaza and the implications…

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The Jewish vote is up for grabs, and it may decide the election

A few weeks ago, a sermon by Reform Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch, the senior rabbi at the Steven Wise Free Synagogue in New York, shocked millions from that city to Tel Aviv. Standing at his pulpit, Hirsch delivered a stern warning to the Democrats. Noting that he is someone “who is finely attuned to American Jewish sentiment,” Hirsch told Democratic elected…

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The Denial of Civil Rights to American Jews on Campuses

Amidst the inferno of Jew hatred burning through more than a hundred American college campuses, President Biden continues to dither, progressive university administrators genuflect before the jihadist rioters and the Jews find themselves with no rights or protection. I analyze the nature of the campus mayhem, its connection to the war with Hamas in Gaza, and consider the implications moving…

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