Interview on Sun TV’s Ezra Levant Show
Ezra Levant discussed The Israeli Solution with me on his program which aired on Canada’s Sun TV lastFriday. Here’s the video.
Ezra Levant discussed The Israeli Solution with me on his program which aired on Canada’s Sun TV lastFriday. Here’s the video.
Anti-Semitism is not a simple bigotry. It is a complex neurosis. It involves assigning malign intent to Jews where none exists on the one hand, and rejecting reason as a basis for understanding the world and operating within it on the other hand. John Kerry’s recent use of the term “Apartheid” in reference to Israel’s future was…
On April 6 I spoke at The Jerusalem Post’s third annual conference in New York. Here’s the video of my speech.
It’s hard not to admire Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s brazenness. Two weeks ago, Abbas signed on to 15 international agreements that among other things require the PA to respect human rights and punish war criminals. And this week, he signed a unity deal with two genocidal terror groups all of whose leaders are war criminals.…
As I explain in The Israeli Solution, far from being an existential threat to Israel, demography is one of the Jewish state’s greatest strengths. Since the book was released last month, its most severe critics discount the demographic data that I present claiming that for Israel to stake its future on accurate data is too risky, better to trust the…
The most terrifying aspect of the collapse of US power worldwide is the US’s indifferent response to it. In Europe, in Asia, in the Middle East and beyond, America’s most dangerous foes are engaging in aggression and brinkmanship unseen in decades. As Gordon Chang noted at a symposium in Los Angeles last month hosted by the…
Last week CBN aired the episode of Erick Stakelback’s excellent show on international security that features interviews with me discussing The Israeli Solution and with Minister Naftali Bennett. Enjoy!
On Sunday, just before my speech at the Jerusalem Post’s conference in New York, I sat down with Shalom TV and discussed my book, The Israeli Solution.
Passover, which begins on Monday night, is the festival of freedom. The holiday reminds us of the brutal enslavement of the Jews by Pharaoh and the Egyptians. We recall their midnight flight from Egypt, pursued by the mighty Egyptian army, and God’s miraculous rescue of the Jews at the shores of the Red Sea. We remember how Moses led…
I just read an amazing speech Ben Hecht gave in 1948 at a fundraiser for the Etzel or Irgun, Menachem Begin’s Zionist army in the pre-state years that played a decisive role in forcing the British to finally leave the land of Israel. The entire text, and the backstory are published in The Jewish Review of Books. …