Browsing Category : Articles

The Israeli Left Threatens Murder and Incites Civil War

On Sunday, retired Brig. Gen. Nehemiah Dagan, one of the heads of the left’s anti-government campaign, published a post on his Facebook that included an explicit call for civil war and physical destruction of the Kohelet Forum—a think tank in Jerusalem that Dagan and his associates have singled out for harassment and assault. Dagan’s post, which he deleted three days…

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Ehud Barak’s Complicated Position in Israeli Politics and Industry

This week, two stories came out that placed the left’s anti-government riots in a new light. First, in a podcast with Haaretz reporter Amir Oren, Gilead Sher—one of the leaders of the “Resistance” against the Netanyahu government—explained that he and his colleagues put together the organizational and financial structure for the mass rioting that Israel has experienced since January, before Prime Minister…

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Israeli Power is the Foundation for Regional Peace

Over the past week, the media have been aflutter with reports and rumors that the Biden administration has decided to mediate a peace accord between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The case for peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia is easy to make. Owing to their shared interest in containing Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia have developed cooperative intelligence ties and…

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Soros, anti-Semitism and the Progressive Assault on Language

One of the key characteristics of our difficult times is the way in which the progressive left has hijacked language. Among other things, progressives have seized the language of bigotry to demonize non-progressives as bigots while engaging in and promoting bigotry themselves. “Antisemitism” is one of the key terms that has been hijacked. This week, we saw a number of…

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Rashida Tlaib’s Anti-Israel Hatefest in the Senate

Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) calling card is Jew-hatred. She’s built her career around it. And for four years, not only did she pay no price for her vile bigotry; she was rewarded for it. Last September, Tlaib promised that she would “push back” against people who both claim to be progressive and support Israel’s right to exist. In her words,…

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Gaza’s Ghosts

In a jaw-dropping display of irony, on Wednesday the Neve Dekalim Girl’s High School was forced to cancel a scheduled celebration to mark its 40th birthday. Since 2005, the school has been located in Nitzan, around 30 kilometers outside Gaza. For its first 22 years, it was located in Neve Dekalim, the capital of the Gush Katif settlement bloc in…

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What a Strategy for Defeating Hamas and Hezbollah Looks Like

When word broke Tuesday that Khader Adnan—a senior terrorist and serial hunger striker from Iranian-controlled Islamic Jihad—had died in an Israeli prison after 83 days of refusing food, Hamas began shelling Israeli towns and villages in the western Negev. As Islamic Jihad’s premier propagandist, Adnan was reportedly the most prominent Islamic Jihad terrorist in Jenin, where the group reigns supreme.…

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An Afternoon Among the Angels

The best time to visit Mount Herzl Military Cemetery on Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day for the Fallen of Israel’s Wars) is in the afternoon. The morning rush has ended. The ceremonies are over. There are no jostling crowds craning their necks to see, no politicians, no photographers looking for the perfect picture to encapsulate the day. The late afternoon is…

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The Ruling Class Must Regain its Senses

A group of soldiers from a company of Israel Defense Forces’ reservists in the Golani Infantry Brigade abandoned their posts at their training base in southern Israel on Tuesday and went home. The reservists revolted because they didn’t accept their battalion commander’s decision to replace their company commander with a company commander from the Paratrooper Brigade. As Yediot Achronot’s military reporter Yossi…

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Netanyahu Speaks to the Generals

The Israeli public reasonably expected a dramatic announcement was coming when the Prime Minister’s Bureau announced Monday afternoon that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would give a prime-time press conference that evening from the Prime Minister’s Office at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv rather than the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. Over the past several days, Israel has found itself…

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