Time to plan for war

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So much for US President Barack Obama’s famed powers of persuasion. At the UN’s Nuclear Non-Poliferation Treaty review conference which opened this week, the Obama administration managed to lose control over the agenda before the conference even started.


Obama administration officials said they intended to use the conference as a platform to mount international pressure on Iran to stop its illicit nuclear proliferation activities. But even before the conference began, with a little prodding from Egypt, the administration agreed that instead of focusing on Iran, the conference would adopt Iran’s chosen agenda: attacking Israel for its alleged nuclear arsenal.


Last week the Wall Street Journal reported that US officials were conducting negotiations with Egypt about Egypt’s demand that the NPT review conference call for sanctions against Israel for refusing to join the NPT as a non-nuclear state. The Journal quoted a senior administration official involved in the discussions saying, “We’ve made a proposal to them [Egypt] that goes beyond what the U.S. has been willing to do before.”


Among other possibilities, that proposal may have included a US agreement to appoint a UN envoy responsible for organizing a UN conference calling for the Greater Middle East to become a nuclear-free zone. In diplomatese, “Middle East nuclear-free zone” is a well-accepted euphemism for stripping Israel of its purported nuclear capability while turning a blind eye to Iranian, Syrian and other Islamic nuclear weapons programs. Egypt’s demand, which it convinced more than a hundred members of the Non-Aligned bloc to sign onto, is for Israel to open its nuclear installations to international inspectors as a first step towards unilateral nuclear disarmament.


On Wednesday the US joined the other four permanent members of the Security Council in signing a statement calling for a nuclear-free Middle East and urging Israel, Pakistan and India to accede to the NPT as non-nuclear states. Following the US’s lead, on Thursday Yukiya Amano, the new Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency wrote a letter to IAEA member states asking for their suggestions for how to convince Israel to sign the NPT. 


So as Iran — an NPT signatory — makes a mockery of the treaty by building nuclear weapons in contempt of its treaty obligations, the US has actively supported Iran’s bid to use the NPT review conference as yet another UN forum for bashing Israel. 


It bears recalling that the primary goal of the NPT is to prevent nuclear proliferation. From the amount of attention Israel is receiving at the NPT review conference, you could easily get the impression that Israel’s purported nuclear arsenal is the gravest proliferation threat in the world today. But history shows that this is nonsense.


Israel’s alleged nuclear arsenal, which it has reportedly fielded for four decades, has not led to a regional nuclear arms race. Notwithstanding their protestations to the contrary, Israel’s neighbors fully recognize that the purpose of Israel’s undeclared nuclear arsenal is to guarantee Israel’s survival and consequently only threatens those who would attack the Jewish state with the intention of annihilating it. This is why although it is four decades old; Israel’s undeclared nuclear arsenal has never caused a regional nuclear arms race. It has never harmed or called into question the relevance or usefulness of the NPT’s international non-proliferation agenda. Moreover, as a non-signatory to the NPT, Israel has the right to develop a nuclear program.


Iran on the other hand gave up that right when it joined the NPT regime. So too, in sharp contrast to Israel’s alleged program, it is clear that Iran’s nuclear project is aggressive rather than defensive. Consequently, it is universally recognized that if Iran becomes a nuclear power, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other states will begin developing their own nuclear arsenals in short order. That is, it is absolutely clear that if the NPT is to have any relevance in the coming years, if there is to be any hope that counter-proliferation regimes can be useful; preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons must be its signatories’ chief aim. 


But due to the Obama administration’s diplomatic fecklessness and ideological blinders, administration officials were incapable of making these points. And so, instead through its actions, the administration has advanced the cause of nuclear proliferation. The US has now joined the ranks of fools who claim that nuclear weapons in the hands of states like the US and Israel are as problematic as nuclear weapons in the hands of states like Iran and North Korea.


BUT THEN, in the end it makes no difference that the US has followed Iran’s lead at the NPT conference. Even if the administration had managed to make Iran’s nuclear weapons program the focus of debate, it wouldn’t have mattered because diplomacy is no longer a relevant tool for preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Appeasement has failed. Sanctions are dead in the water in the Security Council. 


And even if the Security Council passes a sanctions resolution, they will have no impact on Iran’s behavior. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made that much clear in his speech on Monday and in subsequent remarks to the media. As he put it, “While we do not welcome sanctions, we do not fear them either. Sanctions cannot stop the Iranian nation.” 


What all of this demonstrates is that the diplomatic track – from appeasement to sanctions – is irrelevant for contending with Iran’s nuclear program. The only way to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear bombs is to use military force to destroy or severely damage its nuclear installations. 


And this of course is something Obama will not do. His begging-to-shake-hands policy towards Iran and the one hand and his iron fist policy towards Israel on the other makes it absolutely clear that Obama will do nothing to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Rather than correct his abysmal failures, Obama seeks to hide them by minimizing the seriousness of the threat. 


In remarks to the media this week, a White House official downplayed the Iranian threat. He told the Financial Times that Iran’s “nuclear clock has slowed down. They are not making dramatic technical progress given the difficulties they are facing in their [uranium] enrichment program and the fact that their efforts to build secret facilities have been disclosed.” 


The fact that the US’s published intelligence estimates of Iran’s nuclear program contradict this claim didn’t seem to faze the official. 


The US’s abdication of its responsibility as the leader of the free world to prevent the most dangerous regimes from acquiring the most dangerous weapons means that the responsibility for preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons has fallen on Israel’s shoulders. Only Israel has the means and the will to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. And the message the NPT follies convey is that Israel must develop contingency plans for attacking Iran as quickly as possible.


Daily reports of weapons build-ups and military exercises in Iran and among Iran’s clients Syria, Hizbullah and Hamas expose the contours of their war plans. 


Syria and Iran have armed Hizbullah with some 40,000 missiles and rockets, including hundreds of Scud missiles and guided surface-to-surface solid fuel M600 mi
ssiles with a 250 km range and. This week Hizbullah threatened to attack Israel with non-conventional weapons. Syria itself has a formidable chemical and biological arsenal as well as a massive artillery and missile force at its disposal. 


As for Hamas, since Operation Cast Lead Iran’s Palestinian proxy Hamas has expanded its own missile arsenal. Today it reportedly has projectiles capable of reaching Tel Aviv and beyond. 


As for Iran, as its seemingly endless military exercises make clear, the mullocracy has the capacity to use conventional weapons to imperil global oil shipments from the Persian Gulf. So too, this week’s report that Osama Bin Laden may have decamped to Iran in 2003 merely served to underline Iran’s ability to utilize jihadist terror forces throughout the world.


From the open preparations for war that Iran and its clients have undertaken, it is clear that if they initiate the next round of fighting they will fight a four front war against Israel. That war will be dominated by missile attacks against the entire country aimed at breaking the will of the Israeli people while forcing the IDF to divert vital resources away from Israel’s primary target – Iran’s nuclear installations – to contend with Iran’s proxies’ missile stores. 


AS THEY CONSIDER Israel’s options going forward, Israel’s political and military leaders have to take two considerations into account. First, the side that initiates the conflict will be the side that controls the battle space. And second, there is a real possibility that the Obama administration will refuse to resupply Israel with vital weapons systems in the course of the war. The fact that Israel will be roundly condemned by the UN and its component parts is a certainty regardless of who initiates the conflict and therefore is irrelevant for operational planning. 


Armed with these understandings, it is apparent that Israeli contingency plans for war must have limited goals and should be guided by the overarching aim of beginning and ending the war quickly. Luckily, Israel excels at limited, swift campaigns. 


Responding to one of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s recent threats, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman promised last month that if Assad attacks Israel, Israel will bring down his regime. While bringing about the utter defeat of Iran’s regional proxies is a reasonable goal, it cannot be Israel’s goal in the coming war. 


In the coming war, Israel will have only one goal: to destroy or seriously damage Iran’s nuclear installations. Every resource turned against Iran’s proxies must be aimed at facilitating that goal. That is, the only thing Israel should seek to accomplish in contending with Syria, Hizbullah and Hamas is to prevent them from diverting Israeli resources away from attacking Iran’s nuclear installations.


This means that Israel must launch a preemptive strike against Hizbullah’s missiles and missile launchers, Syria’s missiles, artillery and launchers, and Hamas’s missiles and launchers. As for their short-range rockets, Israel should do its best to intercept them and otherwise hunker down to weather the storm of Katyushas and Qassams. Life of the homefront won’t be easy. But it won’t be impossible either, as we saw in 2006.  


Almost every assessment of a possible Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear installations has assumed that Israel will use its air force to strike. All that can be said of that analysis is that, just as there is more than one way to skin a cat, so there is more than one way to destroy Iran’s nuclear installations. An Israeli strike should utilize all of them to keep the Iranians off balance and on the defensive.


These are dangerous times. Iran, which seeks to position itself as a regional superpower, has been emboldened by the Obama administration’s abdication of US global leadership. Only Israel can prevent Iran from endangering the world. But time is of the essence. 


Originally published in The Jerusalem Post.


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  • Gary Ogletree 05/07/2010 at 8:52

    Exactly right. Let’s hope Bibi doesn’t go wobbly. Lord Obama won’t like it, but he runs with the paper tigers of the UN. This would bring the most advance for middle east peace since ’67. The second objective should be targeting the leadership in Tehran enough to aid the Green movement in toppling the Satanic regime of the mullahs.

  • Terry, Eilat - Israel 05/07/2010 at 10:06

    Well, finally someone states the obvious. So, nu, is Netanyahu listening? More to the point, what about Ehud Barak, who seemingly is Obama’s man in Jerusalem?
    I only disagree with you on one point. We should absolutely destroy Syria & Lebanon, all infrastructure, civilian & military, to the point that they will no longer be functioning political entities, just a geographic location.
    And if we have to use nukes on Iran, so be it.
    In the event that the Palestinians in Judea & Samaria join in – expel them to Jordan, let’s not repeat the mistake we made in 1967.

  • JOJO 05/07/2010 at 12:18

    iran said nuclear ENERGY not nuclear weapons The Us is the only country to have even used the nuclear weapon Every neighbor of Iran has nuclear weapon bascially. So Iran feels threatened. And since when were you allowed to go into other country’s and Spy on them? The US ALWAYS goes into other countries buisness.

  • Onward James 05/07/2010 at 12:47

    I prefer to call him O-bam-bam. Bamm-Bamm was an adopted son of the Rubble family in the cartoon The Flintstones. O-bam-bam runs around with a smurf sponge-bat and yells out Bam! Bam! Whacks what he can, especially the Constitution of America and bosses Israel around.
    President Obama is tough, and will change the role of Commander-In-Chief, too….

  • Marc Handelsman, USA 05/07/2010 at 12:47

    Undoubtedly, Israel is planning for the next regional war against her enemies. The element of surprise and advanced weaponry are to Israel’s advantage. As for life on the home front, the next war will be harder on Israelis than in 2006. Expect heavy Israeli casualties and victory for Israel in the upcoming regional war. The UN’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty only works for responsible nuclear powers. Obviously, since Iran will be an irresponsible nuclear power, the NPT is irrelevant and needs readjusting. And Israel is within her rights not to join.

  • Marcel 05/07/2010 at 12:52

    Israel excels at limited, swift campaigns ?
    That used to be the case before the Hizbollah and Hamas wars but with experts at retreat and appeasement continuing to rule,Israel only excels at picking up the hotline and immediately bending to Washingtons demands.
    Witness the forked tongue Netanyahu busy attacking fellow Jews and tearing down their homes to please his demi-god Obama.
    Israel and their destroyer Obama are still holding hands tightly.
    It’s not hard to understand why George Mitchell is all smiles all the time.
    The US has not abdicated it’s global leadership. Their Road Map peace plan has always been about erasing Israel in stages as we saw with Bush and Hamastan,Gaza.Under Obama Iran’s quicker approach has gained traction and Israel’s weak and neutered leadership waiting on the U.S. to act,it is all too inviting to pass up.
    With such weak,failed secular leaders who only excel at capitulation and appeasement it might be a good time to cry out to the God of Israel for a little help ?

  • TheRightsOfMan 05/07/2010 at 13:37

    My letter to Netanyahu:
    In your speech of April 11th, you spoke of the terrible reality of Nazi Germany. Your visits to the death camps and the Security Office of the Reich must have been almost unbearably intense for any moral man but especially for the leader of Israel. The correlation of those terrible times to the threat now facing Israel is a logical connection that must be understood by every freedom loving person.
    You said, “The historic failure of the free societies when faced with the Nazi animal was that they did not stand up against it in time, while there was still a chance to stop it.” And, “But if we learned anything from the lessons of the Holocaust it is that we must not remain silent and be deterred in the face of evil.”
    The immoral ‘leaders’ of nations who should be supporting Israel are wasting time trying to appear as if they are taking a stand against Iran while avoiding the necessity of taking action. It is not an overstatement to say that the future of the civilized world may be in your hands as Islamic fascists make it explicitly clear that the annihilation of Israel is what they seek as their next step in global domination.
    As you are humiliated, abandoned and undermined by the President of the United States, the weight of pressure on you must be beyond description. Not only are you surrounded by enemies who worship death, but the leaders of the country that should be your staunch ally tell you to compromise when you know that compromise between good and evil always favors evil and eventually leads to death.
    I have always thought that you would be the man Israel would need in it’s darkest hour. This is a statement of support PM Netanyahu; don’t back down!

  • riverChief 05/07/2010 at 13:51

    time to go to war????
    lets get it on
    retired combat vet

  • roger in florida 05/07/2010 at 13:54

    I would urge the Israeli leadership to hold off until after US elections in Nov 2010. If there is a decisive swing to the Republicans then Obama is a one term wonder and Israel can expect traditional US support to be reinstated. If the results are inconclusive and democrats retain power then Israel will have to go for it. this is an appalling scenario but one that may have to be faced. I echo Terry’s comments above, any Israeli strike needs to be devastating, leave no warmaking capability remaining. In the past Israel has achieved great but undecisive victory’s, the next has to end it.

  • Carol 05/07/2010 at 14:09

    There are no good answers. Israel stands alone against her self-identified enemies and among her former greatest ally. Our tiny Israel faces the world – a world gone crazy with wrong-headed “thinking.” And there’s no end in sight. May G-d bless Israel. The might of her enemies is greater now than it ever has been. May Israel’s might be even stronger.

  • P. Joseph Raju 05/07/2010 at 14:14

    The relevancy of America in the international conflicts become void once America elected a president who will kiss the feet of any anti-Israel leaders. His current policies are to strengthen the enemies of Israel. Within four years of his reign, he will leave no stone unturned to hurt Israel deeply and weaken it permanently. The only people you can ever count to support Israel unwaveringly in the US are the evangelical Christians.
    P. Joseph Raju

  • Ron Grandinetti 05/07/2010 at 17:39

    Caroline first of all under no circumstance should Israel become a member of NPT.
    Israel’s nuclear arsenal should be a kept secret as it remains the leverage needed to fend off and or destroy any and all aggressors.
    As it stands now Israel has every right to destroy Hezbollah missile sites in Southern Lebanon as they are a definite threat to the Holy Land.
    Although a majority of Americans support Israel and her people forget about Mr. Obama he is not a friend of Israel and is not interested in her welfare.
    Israel needs to leave all options on the table with a stern warning to the terrorist regimes.
    Time to plan for war.

  • Barry Small 05/07/2010 at 19:02

    israel must nuke iran,focus the economy on internal consumption like india,accept the reality of no exports and no support from obama-in this way israel will survive and evolve and insure the survival of world jewry that will otherwise perish.

  • dunctx 05/07/2010 at 22:30

    I agree with you, Caroline, but I have to wonder if Ehud Barak can be trusted as Israel’s defense minister during a war? He appears to butter his bread on the White House side.
    Keep writing, Caroline – you are right on.

  • Bill K. 05/08/2010 at 1:57

    This is why you are the ne plus ultra of commentators on Israel and the Mideast. No one else has the courage, the moral clarity and the strategic knowledge to insist that war with Iran is the only realistic avenue left to ensure the security of Israel, the Mideast and eventually the world. And furthermore that since the United States has abdicated it role as the foremost protector of freedom the task has fallen to Israel. This is a profound point you have made.
    This will be the biggest and the most important war Israel has ever fought. As you note this war must be fought and won quickly. In order to do this a pre-emptive, overwhelming, ruthless power must be brought to bear and all thoughts of fighting a kinder, gentler war must be discarded. Because of the nature of the weapons that are being destroyed and where they are placed casualties among non-combatants will be high. Israel must be prepared this eventuality and place the blame where it belongs: on those who initiated the use of force or the threat of using it, i.e. the Iranians, the Syrians, the Lebanese and the Palestinians.
    This is a war Israel cannot lose. It will literally be a fight for survival. Once committed Israel cannot turn back or resort to half measures. For a while it will Israel against the rest of the world. The UN and the rest of the West will heap invective upon Israel but will not lift a finger against her as you alluded to. Israel need not be distracted by the howling mobs that will inevitably form. They account for nothing.
    If Israel succeeds at this task, as it must, the mobs will be silenced, the appeasers shamed and a genuine respect will grow for the small nation that by defending its freedom defended the rest of the world. Israel will have earned the right to considered as one the preeminent nations of the world.

  • Terry, Eilat - Israel 05/08/2010 at 5:38

    The essence of our situation is if we are a client-state of the US or are we an independant regional power? When America was the leader of the world, the question would not come up – America would have already destroyed Iran’s nuclear program. But today, under Obama, America is no longer the leader, indeed, Obama seeks a diminuation of American power.
    The charade of American policy in the Middle-East can be seen in the desire to present an illusion of success in Iraq in order to withdraw American troops & the equally unrealistic policy in Afghanistan, also in order to withdraw. But, in reality, once America withdraws, Iranian influence will predominate.
    Since America under Obama will do nothing to stop Iran so as not to interfere with the withdrawal from both wars, we are on our own.
    And so, we pose again the real question – are we a client-state or a regional power?
    If the answer is we are a client-state, at a time of American retreat, we will not survive in our tough neighborhood. If we are a regional power, than even America will have to take our interests into consideration.
    A successful Israeli military strike on Iran & the destruction of Iran’s proxies will confirm our status as THE regional power.
    And while Obama will be most unhappy with such a turn of events, politically, he cannot afford to act against us – American public opinion is overwhelmingly in our favour, on both the Palestinian issue & on military action against Iran.

  • Enoch77 05/08/2010 at 7:35

    One of the most tragic things to witness in America is the extent to which American Jews have given themselves over to the complete assimilation of all that is secular with no regard for G-d, Torah or the Prophets. Even if we set aside embracing a secular world view, American Jews have also abandoned reason and logic when viewing evidence that Israel is being accused falsely of instigating all of the violence in the Middle East. To allow others to bare false witness or make accusations against your own people for the sake of being accepted by Gentiles and say nothing is a travesty beyond discription. Being a Jew is not just the “folklore” of our forefathers. It is above all the Faith and the Law of our forefathers. Historically, whenever that Faith and those Laws are abandoned there are tragic consequences, not just for Jews but for the world. In the U.S., it appears evangelical Christians are about the only friends Israel has at the moment. At least they actually believe in G-d, Torah and the Prophets.

  • Marcel 05/08/2010 at 8:06

    War’s never go according to plan especially Part 1 of this big one coming up.
    Russia and China are not passive nation’s especially when it comes to their proxies in the neighborhood.
    Steel yourselves ,there is nothing short about this final showdown between Israel and Islam.
    *If you don’t have a good shovel yet buy a good one,you’ll need it.I’ve got my shovel ready.
    This coming war is only the bait for the next really,really big one.
    from the Jewish prophets who were always right,I still see it beginning with a US Naval blockade of the Persian Gulf where America’s military might is defeated all around Iran.
    (Jeremiah 51 calls it an ambush)
    In one hour the great America Babylon is no more.
    This Iran war sets up the nations who will come against Israel after Syria,Egypt and Lebanon are rubble-ized for their end.
    Ezekiel 38 mentions the Turkey, Lybia,Ethopia,Iran,etc coalition with Russia but not Egypt,Lebanon or Syria because Israel has wiped them out in this coming war.
    Israel will be blamed and demonized even more by the global community. This is God’s plan to bait them into coming against Israel ,the Coalition of the Doomed led by Russia.
    …’And I will turn you about and will lead you on, and will cause you to come up from the uttermost parts of the north and will lead you against the mountains of Israel;…
    You shall fall [dead] upon the mountains of Israel, you and all your hosts and the peoples who are with you. I will give you to the ravenous birds of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured…
    And I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name any more; and the nations shall know, understand, and realize that I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.
    And I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name any more; and the nations shall know, understand, and realize that I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.
    Behold, it is coming and it will be done, says the Lord God; that is the day of which I have spoken
    And [when you, Gog, are no longer] they who dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth and shall set on fire and burn the battle gear……
    And in that day, I will give to Gog a place for burial there in Israel, the valley of those who pass through on the east side in front of the [Dead] Sea [the highway between Syria, Petra, and Egypt], and it will delay and stop those who pass through. And there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude, and they shall call it the Valley of Hamon-gog [multitude of Gog].
    For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them, that they may cleanse the land.
    Yes, all the people of the land will bury them, and it shall bring them renown in the day that I shall be glorified, says the Lord God.

    * And they shall set apart men to work continually who shall pass through the land, men commissioned to bury, with the help of those who are passing by, those bodies that lie unburied on the face of the ground, in order to cleanse the land.
    After the end of seven months they shall make their search
    Ezekiel 39

  • Walter 05/09/2010 at 0:13

    Is it war?
    With whom?
    I came across this great, pithy quote today;
    “living in peace is UN-Islamic”
    by pulsar182
    Below, just a few quotes from ISLAMIC ‘religious’ texts, that exemplify and magnify the TRUTH in that one liner from ‘pulsar182’;
    “Fighting [against unbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it…..Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”
    Koran 2.216
    “O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him).”
    Koran 9.123
    “Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day ask thee for no exemption from fighting…And Allah knoweth well those who do their duty.”
    Koran 9.44
    The Hadith,
    “A man came to the Prophet and asked, “A man fights for war booty; another fights for fame and a third fights for showing off; which of them fights in Allah’s Cause?” The Prophet said, “He who fights that Allah’s Word (i.e. Islam) should be superior, fights in Allah’s Cause.” ”
    hadith/bukhari #004.052.065
    hadith/bukhari #004.052.080i
    “Allah’s Apostle was asked, “What is the best deed?” He replied, “To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, “What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, “To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah’s Cause.” ”
    hadith/bukhari #001.002.025
    I provide these links, to online Koran, and Hadith texts, for reference to the verses i quoted above;
    And make no mistake, all of the injustices, the violence, and the wickedness of ISLAM, is empowered [and ‘justified’!], from ISLAM’s own ‘religious’ texts, the Koran, and Hadith.
    ISLAMIC law, its violence, its injustice, is no ‘aberration’, it is the *real* ISLAM.
    And please understand, that the ISLAMIC belligerency, and violence which we see daily, is all, authentic, true ISLAM.
    There is no moderate ISLAM.
    And there are no ‘moderate’, good moslems.
    To *be* a good moslem, a moslem must endorse what the Koran and Hadith teach.
    And if a ‘moslem’ does not **HATE** unbelievers, he/she, is,
    …not a moslem.
    This is not what i claim;
    That what the Koran and Hadith teach, that is what ISLAMIC ‘religious’ doctrines teach. [to *every* good moslem!]
    This is what Allah [the Koran] commands;
    “O ye who believe! Take not *my enemies* [‘unbelievers’] and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love,…”
    Koran 60.1
    “….take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends….
    ……he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them.”
    Koran 5.51
    “….Lo! Allah is an *enemy* to those who reject Faith.”
    Koran 2.98
    i.e. all ‘unbelievers’ who reject ISLAM.
    “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah,…fight ye against the [‘unbelievers’]…”
    Koran 4.76
    A direct quote from *respected* ISLAMIC ‘scholar’, Sayyid Qutb;
    “….the death of those who are killed for the cause of God gives more impetus to the cause, which continues to thrive on their blood.”
    Google it.
    Anjem Choudary is a UK moslem community leader.
    Here on YOUTUBE, Anjem Choudary explains ISLAM’s ‘world view’, to the dumb Kuffar;
    “…when we say innocent people, we mean moslems.”
    “….[not accepting ISLAM] is a crime against God.”
    “…If you are a non-moslem, then you are guilty of not believing in God.”
    “…as a moslem….i must have *hatred* towards everything which is non-ISLAM.”
    “…[moslems] allegiance is always with the moslems, so i will never condemn a muslim for what he does.”
    “…Britain has always been Dar al Harb [the Land of War]”
    Do you think that you have a friend, who is a good moslem?
    Think again.
    Live in peace till strong enough to wage jihad, says UK Deoband scholar to Muslims
    London, Sept.8 [2007]
    A Deobandi scholar believes Muslims should *preach* peace till they are strong enough to undertake a jihad, or a holy war.
    Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani was quoted by the BBC as saying that Muslims should live peacefully in countries such as Britain, where they have the freedom to practise Islam, *only until* they gain enough power to engage in battle.
    “A Study in Muslim Doctrine
    …while sincere friendship with non-Muslims is forbidden, insincere friendship – whenever beneficial to Muslims – is not.”
    smile to the face “while our hearts curse them”
    Where are our despicable political leaders in the West?
    Why won’t our [political and community] leaders in the West condemn ISLAM, for the enmity and violence that ISLAM *clearly*, and inherently encourages against all non-moslems, and *especially* against Israel and the Jewish people?
    Why won’t our political, and community leaders here in the West, open their eyes, and speak out, and condemn ISLAM?
    Are they all blind, stupid men?
    Or, are they all, just very wicked men?
    Amos 5:1
    Hear ye this word which I take up against you, even a lamentation, O house of Israel.

    4 For thus saith the LORD unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye shall live:

    15 Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.
    “I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.”

  • Amy 05/09/2010 at 0:20

    This is an incisive analyis of external threats to the safety and existence of Israel.
    What is missing in a general context, however, is an assessment of the malaise that jeopardizes the country’s ability (or willingness) to defend itself. It is as if – except for the plucky settlers – THE POPULATION IS FULL OF DOUBTS about the legitimacy of their presence in the country.
    THE NATIONAL MOOD appears to be – from top to bottom – one of resignation and surrender. With a little hope for a miracle that might unravel Obama’s plans added to the mix.
    STARTING AT THE TOP: The PM had everything to lose and nothing to gain by acquiescing to Obama’s demands.
    Anybody could have told him it would be a slippery slope: accept the creation of a Palestinian state; accept a housing freeze in the settlements; accept a housing freeze in Jerusalem. And now everything is on the table, including Jerusalem, the return of Arab refugees, and more.
    What’s next? International observers at Israel’s nuclear facilities? Nuclear disarmament?
    There’s no end to Arab demands because there is no end to the government’s willingness to acquiesce.
    Where’s the government’s fighting spirit?
    Oh, yes. It’s quite evident when it sends police or IDF to bulldoze Jewish homes and beat up settlers.
    Caroline, the government does not even dare to dismantle any of the thousands of Arab illegal houses. How can we expect a warrior spirit in a war that will be scrutinized by millions?
    Moving a little down the line. WHAT ABOUT THE LIKUD? The media has been silent about the undemocratic way in which the party conducted the Central Committee Elections, not allowing impartial observers at the polls.
    Was there any fighting spirit among Likud members to say, Sorry, but we cannot go along with such an undemocratic measure? Nope. The Feiglin group grumbled a little and submitted.
    And further down the line of power the picture doesn’t look any more auspicious.
    While the US government has been dictating orders to a compliant government, ISRAELIS HAVE NOT MADE WAVES. There’s the sporadic demonstration, but overall (compared with Greece, for instance) Israelis have reacted very politely to intensive foreign intervention.
    Caroline’s column assumes the existence of a strong, determined, and united government, and a strong, determined and united nation. But what we see is Jews tearing each other apart, and too many of them siding openly with the enemy, asking enemies to bring more and more hardship on the country.
    And we see a government growing more timid and insecure every day, making impossible demands on the armed forces so that they don’t hurt the enemy too hard. This is a fact. The IDF and police have been told not to respond even when Arabs throw firebombs at them.
    On top of that you have leftist soldiers falsely accusing comrades of illegal acts during Cast Lead. Aside from the effects on the soldiers accused, this lowers morale in the IDF in general.
    Caroline, I don’t dispute your concern with outside threats. However, something must be done to raise the morale of those who put their lives at risk to protect the country.
    And something must be done so that those who truly love the the land of Israel dare to speak up instead of remaining so politely silent.
    There’s a column by Seth Franzman (“Israel Democracy Wars”) this week where he lists outrageous and unpatriotic behavior by government-paid Israeli academics. What they say against Israel, and the things they advocate for, could get them charged with treason in many Western countries. At the very least they’d be fired and ostracized. But in Israel they carry on undisturbed.
    Same thing with PA incitement. It goes on with impunity, with barely a mention – and never any action – from the Israeli government.
    Shouldn’t these INTERNAL SELF-DESTRUCTIVE ACTIVITIES be addressed immediately?
    Making war on neighboring countries will be a difficult and risky enterprise costing many lives. The lingering costs of war in terms of relentless world condemnation are also enormous.
    So why not start out with something manageable, by dealing with internal threats now? Although they occur at a slower pace, they too have serious consequences that threaten the very existence of the country.
    Something must be done about this. It wouldn’t cost lives and it wouldn’t need authorization by foreign countries.
    And I would start at the very top. Why does the government continue to cave in to every demand by Obama and Abbas? Why are people so resigned to negotiate away what is truly theirs? In exchange for nothing, we should add.
    If enemy countries attacked Israel and tried to conquer Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, the IDF would respond appropriately. But the government is willing to cede all that and more without even firing a shot!

  • war and peace 05/09/2010 at 5:13

    Israel must prepare for war and pray for peace.

  • Terry, Eilat - Israel 05/09/2010 at 5:19

    That was a very good post, I’m assuming you don’t live in Israel. It’s actually much worse than you think. I came here 5 yrs ago & I’m in shock, I’ve become very pessimistic about our future. We have no real political leaders, just a collection of party hacks who make empty speeches, self-interested, incompetent, & often completely delusional. Our media is as left-wing as the mainstream media in America, we are fed a non-stop diet of BS & liberal crap. Our educational system is a catastrophe, our universities just chock full of looney-leftists, cranks, anti-Semites, communists, & out-right traitors. Actually, the first thing that shocked me about Israel is the abysmally low educational level of so many Israelis.
    A large proportion of Israelis are complacent, apathetic, cynical, alienated completely from politics, uninformed, & oblivious to everything outside of their own small personal world.
    In brief, we have been infected with a terminal case of defeatism.

  • yuval.hatikva 05/09/2010 at 6:00

    But due to the Obama administration’s diplomatic fecklessness and ideological blinders
    Dear Caroline
    The assumption that Obama is fecklees or blind rather than malign is fecklessness in itself. Your LATMA parody is much closer to reality than the reality you put forward.
    Further, it is obvious that Tel aviv is the target (Jerusalem the “capital” is not)
    The time for attack is pre-ordained, and public. sometime prior to december. Effi Eitan said so, Efrayim Sneh said so, and the Mullocracy’s time-table for production of fissionable material says so.
    So gird yourself for the greatest missile attack since the V2 attacks on London, because the Tel avivians must be taught in the only way they can that the land of Israel is indispensable: But having to flee there.

  • Amy 05/09/2010 at 15:56

    Dear Terry, thank you for your response. I love your talkbacks. I even remember an excellent column you wrote for a popular news website.
    I would often skim that website’s reports with their predictable slant, and go right to your comments because with only a few sentences you managed to be both informative and hit the root of the problem free from PC.
    Yes, I live in the Diaspora. While I hunger for closeness to Israel and ever more information and understanding, one sad benefit of distance is that sometimes I manage to get an uncluttered view of the situation.
    I look at the outrageous things going on in Israel and ask myself, Isn’t anyone going to react to this? Isn’t anyone going to approach the PM and demand an explanation? Haven’t people had enough? Aren’t they insulted enough? Aren’t they disgusted enough? Aren’t they SCARED enough?
    The picture you draw of the general attitude in Israel is rather grim. I don’t think this happened just by chance, Terry. I believe it was a deliberate plan implemented by the Left over the years in order to brainwash youth away from any notions of true patriotism, their historical and legal rights to the land, their Jewish heritage, and the righteousness of Israel’s cause. And, very importantly, to play down the enemy’s true intentions.
    So they have fed them a pro-Arab narrative, tons of guilt, distorted and selective history, and hatred against their own.
    They set up a Soviet-style electoral system, and a judicial system that actually lords it over the legislative and the IDF!
    And then there’s the leftist media, of course.
    Money seems to flow into the leftist cause from all kinds of sources, no matter how tainted by anti-Semitism.
    Decades ago the Left drew a devious plan to keep permanent and full control over society even if their numbers eventually dwindled, and they have succeeded so far.
    I’m secular and quite unfamiliar with the religious side of this problem, but it appears that the religious have felt detached from the fate of seculars and allowed the de-Judeization of secular education and society.
    This is quite unfortunate because both religious and seculars are on the same boat. This division and animosity among Jewish groups is fatal. It weakens the country and is exploited by its enemies.
    I keep hoping that religious nationalists and patriotic seculars will find a middle ground where they can meet, organize, and fight together against common enemies.
    Failing that, Israel’s last hope is the US Congress.
    David Bedein has been lobbying Congress for a while, all on his own. He seems to understand the difficulty of mobilizing Israelis, and the complete hopelessness of uniting them even when it’s a matter of survival – such as the prospect of having Israel and Jerusalem partitioned.
    Mr. Bedein’s website, Israel Behind the News, has guidelines on how to lobby Congress and how to write effective letters to Congressmen.
    It’s sad but we’ve come to that, it seems: asking non-Jews to fight for Israel because we’re doing such a lousy job at that.
    Keep writing talkbacks, Terry. They jolt readers out of their complacency, and expose leftists lies and distortions for what they are.

  • mgbstmnt 05/09/2010 at 16:00

    To Mrs.Glick, my coordinates.
    This is not supposed to be a joke, but when Obama said he had no preconditions with the crap, he was just smoke-screenning his selling nuclear umbrellas intentions, once the demand for it had skyrocket, once the iranians had cross the threshold as a result of his hypocrite deals. This is strictly his only busissness, terrorism.

  • Marcel 05/09/2010 at 16:49

    ‘Failing that, Israel’s last hope is the US Congress.’
    Can you hear your insane,blasphemous,shameful words ?
    Congress – The hopes of the dopes
    It’s incredible how insane secular Jews of the right and left persuasion are.
    Its going to take a major catastrophe to snap them out of their deranged humanistic bent.
    Mankind is incapalbe of fixing this.

  • Sue 05/09/2010 at 18:00

    Isaiah 63:11-14
    But then they (Israel) remembered the past, the days of Moses, the servant of the Lord, and they asked, “Where now is the Lord, who gave His spirit to Moses? Where is the Lord, who by His power did great things through Moses, dividing the waters of the sea and leading His people through the deep water, to make an everlasting name for Himself?”
    Led by the Lord, they were as surefooted as wild horses, and never stumbled. As cattle are led into a fertile valley, so the Lord gave His people rest. He led His people and brought honour to His name.
    Gently, and with all due respect, it is not the US or the US Congress or any other nation or organisation on earth who is Israel’s last hope. Divided, internally attacked and weakened and defeatist is not God’s plan for Israel. He is on His way with rescue and healing and restoration unto Himself. Things might look bad for a bit longer and even look worse but take heart Israel, hold on, seek God. He’s kept you this far. Don’t go into this war without Him. Be like David who stood up and faced Goliath in the name of the Lord, who fought in full confidence of the power of God on his side.

  • Ray Turner 05/09/2010 at 19:20

    Caroline’s clarity of thinking on this issue is unsurpassed. As an American, I am very fearful for the lack of our country’s leadership being shown in these recent events. I will pray continually for the peace of Israel in these perilous times, and will continue to do so.
    I will pray for Israel’s safety, security, and for the protection and guidence of YHWH in any of these crucial decisions that are in store in the near future.

  • Blair 05/10/2010 at 2:28

    Dear Ms. Glick,
    I couldn’t help but read your article, you are indeed erudite. Every one of the comments was supportive, which leads me to wonder who these people are. You are WRONG if you think most people truly accept your arguments, persuasive as they are..to the already committed. Anyone who thinks President Barak Obama will sell Israel down on the line is a fool, a word you used to describe others. “U.S. abdication of its responsibility as the leader of the free world…” You and your right-wing lackeys are the only ones who believe that pablum; has he not sent soldiers to Afghanistan and continued to prosecute the struggle in Iraq? Most normal people agree decreasing the world’s nuclear arsenals is a normal thing, the agreements he has reached with Russia is a salutary act that Bush refused to consider.It is NOT a sign of weakness…
    If you believe Israel is the ONLY power that can stop Iran I would guess you are the ONLY person who believes that. Any general who would waste his time reading your Bibi mouthpiece articles would scoff at such an idea.
    To say that the Obama Administration “will refuse to resupply Israel with vital weapons systems” harkens back to an earlier war…is really a disgusting statement which you ought to be sued for.
    Sadly, you write for the Jerusalem Post, and writers like you are one of the reasons I, and no doubt many others, stopped reading the Post. You are a mouthpiece for the Right, the far right…but I don’t want to repeat myself the way you do!
    Blair Portnoy
    Ramat Gan

  • Terry, Eilat - Israel 05/10/2010 at 5:12

    Thank you for your kind remarks, much appreciated.
    I don’t comment anymore at the site in question because they censored my posts too often. Not that the JPost, always so ”moderate” & ever so ”respectable” & politically correct, doesn’t censor me just as often.
    I don’t mean to paint an overly grim picture nor would I paint everyone with the same brush.
    I’ve met many young Israelis & while their education has left them intellectually unprepared to understand the political situation, they are very patriotic. Older Israelis are alienated or apathetic because they have lost hope & confidence in our political leaders. There is also a great deal of denial & complacency.
    In some ways, we are a victim of our own success, at least economically. It’s easy to be a superficial airhead when you have a few shekels in your pocket, thinking only about a new cellphone, new style shmates as you shlep around the Mall. We’re not so different from Americans, hypnotized by materialism & a debased popular culture. This is very much the fault of a really disasterous educational system.
    The Left has done incredible damage to Israel, not just since Oslo, but since Independence.

  • Terry, Eilat - Israel 05/10/2010 at 5:55

    As an afterthought, I’d like to add that the immediate solution to our rather depressing situation, among Israelis & among Jews in the Diaspora, is that we don’t know how to win.
    It’s a banal truism, but everyone likes a winner. And, the contrary is also true – no one respects a loser, actually, they’re just tempted to hit you again.
    After the Six Day War, our morale was over the top, support from Jews all over the world was universal, we gained the respect of the whole world. And, we had the grudging respect of our enemies.
    What did we do? Immediately, we figured out strategies to lose politically what we had gained militarily.
    And, we have been doing it ever since.

  • Ron Grandinetti 05/10/2010 at 9:40

    “Terry. I believe it was a deliberate plan implemented by the Left over the years in order to brainwash youth away from any notions of true patriotism, their historical and legal rights to the land, their Jewish heritage, and the righteousness of Israel’s cause. And, very importantly, to play down the enemy’s true intentions.”
    I believe you are correct. Listen, I know very little about Israeli politics or what is really happening in Israel.
    Having said that, I would hope this tiny but giant nation stays away from being a secular nation. G-d led the Jews back to the Holy Land and they have G-d given rights to the land. The Israelis need to maintain their Jewish heritage as you stated.
    The Israelis need to continue to expand upon this Holy Land and not pay attention to any outsiders. Remember it’s the Arabs intentions to dilute the territory and hopefully take control of Israel.
    A strong and religious Jewish Nation will survive.

  • Amy 05/10/2010 at 15:14

    To Ron Grandinetti – I agree with you. Secularism alone is toxic to Israel. But since religious Jews do not agree, and probably will never agree on how exactly to run the country, some compromise must be made so that Israeli society and government can accommodate the whole range of Jewish thought and culture – from secular to ultra-Orthodox.
    Maybe a Swiss-style government kind of arrangement can be eventually devised so that everyone can thrive without clashing with their next-door neighbors. A Judean state could be a start!
    Basic Jewish values, however, must be the solid foundation for the entire country, and must be kept alive and vibrant in education from K to university.
    Disunity and hatred among Jews must stop.
    If history is not enough of a lesson of what can happen to Jews under Fascism, Communism and Islamic governments, then we should pay close attention at how anti-Jewish violence and speech are becoming ‘normal’ once again. The prospect of a final Holocaust becomes more likely every day.
    What a bad timing for the Israeli government to be partitioning this tiny and only refuge for world Jews!

  • Amy 05/11/2010 at 9:52

    Yes, G-d is ultimately in charge.
    But I don’t assume that we can burden Him with every one of our problems and responsibilities.
    G-d gave humankind physical, mental and spiritual assets to be able to reflect, decide, and act according to His will.
    What I would consider truly blasphemous would be to disregard those assets given so generously to us and expect G-d to fix all our problems. Every time.
    The state of Isael came about thanks to the efforts of thousands of Jews who fought every battle – diplomatic, physical, military, intellectual, and more – in order to attain their dream.
    G-d was on their side and they succeeded and produced what we call now a Miracle Country, Israel reborn.
    And G-d continued to be on their side when – against all odds – they reconquered the territories and Jerusalem. Unfortunately, some of those gifts were rejected (Sinai, control of Temple Mount), and the rest were utterly mismanaged.
    Those European Jews who deceived themselves during the Twenties and Thirties and sat and hoped, ended up very badly. Jews had centuries of warning about the extreme viciousness of those countries in which they lived.
    Now G-d has given Israelis plenty of warning and painful experiences showing the viciousness of their enemies and the true aims of their Western allies. And about the weakness of Jewish leaders. And about the danger of doing nothing.
    But reverting to a Diaspora mentality, Jewish leaders now are opting to appease their vicious enemies with bribes – sacred Jewish land, this time!
    While most Israelis sit and hope…

  • Will48 05/12/2010 at 1:59

    The goal of Obambam may just have been just that: to force Israel into attacking Iran with insufficient force. Israel is not all-powerful after all. In the ensuing war the oil supplies will shut, and the Great Zero will declare marshal law in the US. While blaming “Israeli militarism” for that.
    Remember “Israeli militarism”, the favorite catch-phrase of the KGB propagada?
    Saving the world’s oil supplies is not Israel’s business. Its air force will be engaged with the near-by Iranian proxies. What’s left is the crushing nuclear-tipped missiles attack on Iranian nuclear and long-range military installations. Total world’s condemnation will surely follow.
    In case any bright minds in Virginia would want to prevent all this with a staged event against Israel, they should be firmly reminded of the Nes Ziyyona option.

  • Sue 05/12/2010 at 4:09

    Amy, I don’t believe God made us to set us down on the earth, wish us well and leave us to it. He knew how pear shaped things would get; He has made us to do the whole walk, every step, hand in hand with Him. He is NEVER burdened by us leaning on Him. On the contrary, He actively desires it. Whenever we decide we can sort things out by ourselves is when we actually separate ourselves from God and that’s painful for Him and for us. (I’ve learned that the hard way, still am learning it!) It’s like we turn our back on the best friend we’ll ever have who is always in the room with us and we say, “Thanks, but I’ll take it from here. I don’t really need you for this.” This may sound simplistic, but because God operates both on a very personal level and on a global level, this kind of ‘hand in hand every step’ thinking works in the life of a single individual and on a national level too.

  • Amy 05/12/2010 at 8:05

    Sue, I think we are talking about different things.
    You write: “I’ll take it from here , I don’t really need you for this”.
    I never said such thing. I never implied we should abandon G-d. Not even for a moment.
    It’s a really unfortunate misunderstanding.
    What I was discussing is the tendency to confuse Hope in G-d with plain passivity and relinquishment of personal responsibility.
    There are so many errors being made by the Israeli leadership right now that it’s hard to understand why there is such inaction all across the social strata in Israel: from concerned intellectuals and politicians all the way down to young students.
    I’m not talking about everyone, mind you. The settlers are a determined and active group, doing what they can against very difficult odds.
    And there are so many brave and dedicated individuals working very hard to protect Israel and to challenge government policies and outside aggression and demonization of Israel.
    But other than that, there does not seem to be a well organized and UNITED reaction to the government’s racist laws against Jews in their own country, and the fact that it’s negotiating the surrender of land that rightfully belongs to Israel.
    Jews hold responsibility not only for their own lives but for those of other human beings, particularly the lives of other Jews.
    SIX MILLION Jews perished during WWII. Most of them were trapped. They were East European Jews, unaware of the extent of the threat ahead of them.
    But many Western Jews who had the means and opportunity to flee and to save their families didn’t because they chose to stay HOPING that things would get better. They took risks with their lives and those of their loved ones. It was a personal decision. Not everyone – I clarify, but many could have left.
    Across the Atlantic, American Jews knew of the slaughter of Jews and DID NOTHING! Perhaps they hoped and prayed.
    They did join the army, and fought, and some lost their lives. But there was no open and massive campaign TO SAVE JEWS – with the honorable exception of the Bergson Group.
    And there were cases of Jews in other parts of the world who failed to offer effective aid, particularly to Eastern European Jews.
    Innocent children perished in the Holocaust. Completely helpless. We blame the Nazis. But the Nazis had plenty of help from people who chose to do nothing, and of people who thought that praying for the persecuted Jewish population was enough.
    All I’m saying is that – while acknoledging that we are expected to follow a righteous path, that G-d is above everything and everyone, and that he is the ultimate force that decides everything – WE ARE STILL PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for what we do and fail to do.
    PASSIVITY IS NOT a sign of virtue or devotion.
    Relinquishing responsibility in the face of danger is a sin of omission – if not an outright crime in some circumstances.
    So – while submitting to G-d in every way, we are also expected to act like proper human beings and not pass on responsibility to G-d, for our own mistakes, sins and failings.
    If Israel falls, all Jews will share a part of the responsibility.

  • Walter 05/12/2010 at 18:02

    By Sue on May 12, 2010 4:09 AM
    Exactly so Sue.
    Always seek him, in prayer and thanksgiving.
    Always seek his guidance.
    He is faithful to his promises.
    Proverbs 3:1
    My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:
    2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
    3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:
    4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
    5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
    6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
    Psalms 25:8
    Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.
    9 The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
    10 All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
    11 For thy name’s sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great.
    12 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.
    13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.
    14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.

  • Sue 05/14/2010 at 5:12

    Amy, thank you for your comment; sorry if I misunderstood you. As a Gentile believer, I’m not very familiar with Jewish thought and I’m fascinated with your discussion, as a self-described secular Jew, about the very clear role you see God playing in life.
    So you have me thinking about personal and national relationships with God, and passivity. For me, the current colour of both has long been summed up in Zechariah 1:11…”We have been all over the world and have found the whole world lies helpless and subdued.” That’s how it looks to me: pinned down by spiritual heaviness and passivity, a global malaise.
    Personal passivity negates the gift of our uniqueness, the set of skills and talents that God has lovingly crafted in each of us, not to use as we see fit, however responsibly, but to do the particular tasks that God has planned for each one of us to do and no one else. Our personal role is to offer the entire package that is us back to Him- all of it- to be His hands and feet on earth to use as He needs to. This ‘setting our entire selves at God’s feet’ might sound passive to some, but it’s not. It’s a hard thing to do, it takes some of us a lifetime to learn, and it’s highly proactive! It’s so important to say that if we fail to stay really close to God (hand in hand every step), we can miss what He wants us to do and He can’t work through us nearly as effectively He would like to.
    What does this have to do with Israel? She is God’s chosen nation, to be a light to all the nations. She is where God has put His name. This is Israel’s honour and uniqueness, a role chosen for her by God and it does carry a lot of responsibility. God knows this and so He doesn’t require Israel to carry any of this responsibility without Him. He never has. He’s a hands-on God, fully present every step. Israel’s national passivity is painful to watch; we long for Israel to wake up from this lethargy, from this submission to the US-imposed ‘peace’ solution, from the folly of appeasement to Islam. It’s my belief that passivity will only last for a time, that God Himself will step in here to heal this and bring Israel back to Him (end all those divisions you talk about). As a word of encouragement, I don’t believe He has any intention of allowing Israel to fall. Ever.
    As for abrogating personal responsibility, God (thank goodness) is longsuffering and incredibly patient but He won’t be taken for a fool. On all levels we are poised on a knife edge, watching, I believe, a spiritual battle between the God of Israel and the god of the koran. The fight for the land and for Jerusalem is central to this. It’s no contest; I know who wins hands down; He is, nevertheless, asking us to shake off our passivity and decide where we stand. How we, as individuals and nations, think about and behave towards Israel will sit at the heart of our choice; we had better hope we make the right one.
    This is probably wordy and disjointed; it’s been a long day! Just wanted to reply.

  • Hagion 05/14/2010 at 7:30

    Ms. Glick
    Your article is concise and completely on target. Barack Obama, the usurper in the white House, is definitely Anti-semetic and if not a Muslim certainly a Muslim sympathizer.
    The existential threat posed by Iran and the current preparations of those nations surrounding Israel demand an appropriate military resonse. The response you offer is exactly appropriate to the current reality. As an American I am deeply ashamed to say that Israel must act alone – though Israel is never alone. Also, many other muslim nations (Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE) will secretly assist Israel in immasculating Iran’s plan for Israel’s destruction. They have their own agendas & are not friends of Israel but represent a useful tactical advantage.
    Like many American evangelicals I am praying for Israel’s victory over all it’s enemies. God has everlasting covenants with the land itself and with the Jewish people. All is well. “Some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but we trust in our God.” Peace upon all those who love Israel.
    Israel has loved peace, as always, but her enemies have loved war and bloodshed.

  • bildterberg 05/30/2010 at 8:13

    Seems like there is some consensus in implementing
    the words of Deuteronomy 7:2 :
    “And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them”

  • golem 05/30/2010 at 14:05

    The guaranteed iranian response will probably be devastating. Even without any attack against Dimona there are some serious hazards with the nuclear stockpile located there.


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