Latma’s ode to the Israeli peace kick

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This week’s Tribal Update from Latma, the Hebrew-language media satire site I edit, we discuss the upcoming Palestinian responses to the breakdown of the peace negotiations with Tawil Fadiha, the Palestinian Minister of Uncontrollable Rage. We also produced an ode to Israeli prime ministers past and present who can’t seem to kick their peace obsession.


Here’s the whole show:





And here’s the musical tribute to Israel’s peace kick on its own.




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Again, we wish you all a happy and healthy new year from Jerusalem.


All the best,
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1 Comment

  • naomir 09/11/2010 at 22:26

    Caroline, many thanks to you and the team for a job well done. It might have been hysterically funny if it wasn’t so sad and so true. All the concessions we have made over the years have earned us nothing but scorn and disrespect. G-d never rests nor does He sleep, He keeps watch over Israel. This year 5771 will be different.


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